Basil Essential Oil Benefits:
Basil is one of the main oils used in the raindrop treatment
It is Anti Spasmodic, Anti inflammatory , Antibacterial , Aniseptic, helps digestion and reduces spasam in the digestive system , powerful anti viral, decongests the veins and arteries of the lungs and supports respiratory health, stimulating and uplifting & helps to restore balance and is an antidepressant
It helps chronic fatigue , abdominal cramps, muscle spasams and muscular tension, helps migraines , and was used in treatment of snake bites and spider bites and wound healing.
Basil can also help ovarian cysts and I have helped several clients and myself with ovarian cysts with tremendous relief.
It stimulates clarity of the mind , helps memory and supports muscles, bones and the circulatory system
Not for use by people with epilepsy or children under 6 must be diluted
Vitality oil can be used in food , start with small amounts and build up to desired taste ; a little adds tremendous benefit and flavor !
Relieves Muscle Spasms and Tension, drop “Neat” directly on skin and rub in or you can dilute it with any organic food grade oil , dilution does not decrease the efficacy of the oil, it simply slows the rate of diffusion into the body.
Diffuse or inhale a drop placed in the palms for mental clarity , focus or as an antidepressant
For children digestive pain use tummygize it is specially formulated for children 🫶🏻
Click the video link below
In folklore Basil was considered to be the King of Plants by the ancient Greeks and was used to anoint kings. Italian women displayed Basil sprigs as an aphrodisiac to attract possible suitors
Historically Basil was used for respiratory problems , digestive and kidney ailments and fever, epidemics, malaria and and bites
To Order Basil Essential Oil Log in to your Young Living account , search Basil Essential oil click and place it in your Essential Rewards to earn points and free products or place a standard order
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Happy Oiling!