Fourth Grade will be Graham's second year of homeschooling. He did very well last year and we're excited to jump into this 2020-2021 school year with some new curriculum.

This program is done completely online. It’s self-teaching and auto-grading. It’s new to our family, and after using Math U See: Gamma last year, Graham wanted a change of pace. The levels are not corresponding to grade levels, and so far in this level he’s been doing review and working quickly through the lessons.

Language Arts: The Good and the Beautiful~Level 3
This program combines many different subjects, such as phonics, reading, spelling, writing, grammar, literature, geography, poetry, and art appreciation. It is very thorough and well-rounded if you are looking for a program that has everything.
This is the updated edition and has much more color-which Graham is very excited about! The leveled reader that comes with the course is also bound like a book, and not spiral as they were in past editions. There is also a separate book of poetry. Poetry was always part of the course, but I LOVE that we now have a separate book to use and keep for future use!
This is the updated edition and has much more color-which Graham is very excited about! The leveled reader that comes with the course is also bound like a book, and not spiral as they were in past editions. There is also a separate book of poetry. Poetry was always part of the course, but I LOVE that we now have a separate book to use and keep for future use!

Writing: IEW~All Things Fun & Fascinating
We started this last spring and I love this program. The Theme-Based writing makes it fun while still stretching his writing abilities. I love watching him search for quality adjectives and –ly words in the appendix. We also look for fun ways to use his vocabulary words in our everyday life, which is something I know will stay with him forever.
Writing is also incorporated into his Language Arts curriculum, but I believe that having a love of writing, and being a confident writer is very important and I want to give my kids every change they can to gain confidence in that skill.
Writing is also incorporated into his Language Arts curriculum, but I believe that having a love of writing, and being a confident writer is very important and I want to give my kids every change they can to gain confidence in that skill.

Grammar: IEW~Fix It! Nose Tree
15 minutes a day, 4 days a week—how great is that? This grammar program teaches kids how to use proper grammar within stories. The students apply new grammar knowledge in this context, which is similar to how they use correct grammar in their own writing. Then they write out the corrected sentence each day. At the end of the curriculum they have written out a large portion of the book, Nose Tree!
Again, while grammar is also part of their language arts curriculum, I love having a different approach to it as well.
Again, while grammar is also part of their language arts curriculum, I love having a different approach to it as well.

Handwriting: The Good and the Beautiful~Level 4
Simple, fun, engaging, cursive, with print reinforcement. Doesn't get much better than that!

Spelling: Spelling You See~Wild Tales (Level C)
This is a new spelling program. It works by teaching blends and using poems to teach ways to common spelling words. This level used nonfiction passages about animals to develop vocabulary and spelling. Consonant chunks, bossy r chunks, tricky y guy, vowel chunks, and endings are all taught at this level. We also love that it only takes 15-20 minutes each day.
I have always had a hard time teaching kids using the well-known method of memorizing a spelling list all week and having a test on Friday. This short-term word memorization failed me (oh—I got 100%, but I never learned the rules to spelling). I’ve seen students use this method over the past 6 years, and it's much the same. I told myself very early on that I would not use this method on my kids. I'm excited to try something very different with spelling this year!
I have always had a hard time teaching kids using the well-known method of memorizing a spelling list all week and having a test on Friday. This short-term word memorization failed me (oh—I got 100%, but I never learned the rules to spelling). I’ve seen students use this method over the past 6 years, and it's much the same. I told myself very early on that I would not use this method on my kids. I'm excited to try something very different with spelling this year!

These are a few subject we will do together as a family.
History: The Good and the Beautiful~History 1

Science: The Good and the Beautiful~Botany

Recap of our Fourth Grade Curriculum:
Language Arts: The Good and the Beautiful~Level 3
Writing: IEW~All Things Fun & Fascinating
Grammar: IEW~Fit It! The Nose Tree
Handwriting: The Good and the Beautiful~Level 4
Spelling: Spelling You See~Wild Tales (Level C)
History: The Good and the Beautiful~History 1
Science: The Good and the Beautiful~Botany