Wellness for you.

For those seeking truth - Glucosamine and chondroitin help you to live a longer life. For heart 
health replace meat with a healthy plant based diet. Taking many of the common medications is 
linked to obesity and impaired microbiome health which can also negatively impact the immune 
system. Black cumin seed oil helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Black currants support 
glucose metabolism. Saffron supports brain health. Essential fatty acids decrease oxidative 
stress and inflammation. Eating foods that promote inflammation increase risk of heart failure. 
Cinnamon bark essential oil supports brain health. Canola oil is linked to worsened memory 
and learning ability. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Sacred 
Mountain. The properties help with spasms, support the cardiovascular system, help with 
diabetes, help the body handle inflammation, are calming, support proper blood pressure, 
uplift mood, support intestinal health, inhibit disease, help with fatigue, and support the 
lymphatic system. The essential oils in this blend are black spruce, ylang ylang, Idaho grand fir, 
and cedarwood. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are 
fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I am 
productive and positive." Raising your frequency naturally with sound, light, color, and premium 
essential oils is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and 
wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -

Challenges can make you better.

You can become better from the challenges. Great roller ball recipe for women -
Passion Potion Roller - 10ml roller bottle, 25 drops Sensation, 15 drops cypress,
10 drops orange, top with your favorite carrier oil

getoiling.com/BarbDoyle is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living 
is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution 
to your problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back your power 
and set yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential 
oils is expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader
in Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! 
Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then 
enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living 
course is only available for our team. Great video - https://youtu.be/zQdy_kWGD8I?si=qi1nyvxN2gAjKaaI  
Watch this and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and 
most important things in the world. https://youtu.be/tsC0fhUM3-k?si=x4-frllFjqkm4spx

No limits to how good you can feel.

For those seeking truth - Good food and supplementation are your best medicine. Chemical 
compounds in grapes, green tea, and dark chocolate can inhibit viruses. Soy isoflavone genistein 
can help prevent cancer. Garlic and onions can inhibit enzymes linked to diabetes and hypertension. 
Green tea supports bone health. Exercise impacts the brain and changes its structure. Rosmarinic 
acid in rosemary, sage, and basil help with oxidative stress and inflammation. A healthy plant based 
diet reduces the risk of diabetes. Celery helps the body handle inflammation and can help the body 
with tumors. The amount of vitamin D is linked to the good bacteria in the gut. With Young Living we 
are blessed to have the essential oil blend RutaVaLa. The properties promote relaxation of the body 
and mind, soothe stressed nerves, support a good nights sleep, uplift mood, help the body with 
parasites, help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are performance enhancing, 
promote proper blood thickness, support joint health, and support hormonal balance. The essential 
oils in the blend are lavender, valerian, and ruta. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. 
Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I am 
excited for the opportunities today brings." A ship is surrounded by water and it is fine as long as the 
water stays there. If water gets into the ship it starts to sink. There is much around us we can't control 
that is negative. As long as we keep it out of our inner sacred place we are fine and that is a game 
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program 
helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier - getoiling.com/BarbDoyle

Treat others like you would want to be treated.

What a wonderful way this tribe has of treating others. Great roller ball recipe for the 
guys - Drive & Desire - 10ml roller bottle, 20 drops Idaho blue spruce, 15 drops goldenrod, 
10 drops cypress, 5 drops nutmeg, top with your favorite carrier oil

getoiling.com/BarbDoyle is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is 
like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution 
to your problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back your power 
and set yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential 
oils is expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader 
in Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! 
Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, 
then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational 
Living course is only available for our team. Great video - 
https://youtu.be/zQdy_kWGD8I?si=qi1nyvxN2gAjKaaI  Watch this and you will know why 
Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things in the 

Create your best life.

For those seeking truth - Nutrition can help with repairing DNA as people age. A healthy plant
based diet helps to reduce the effects of stress on the body. CoenzymeQ10 helps to control 
glucose levels. Mangos support skin health and can help to reduce wrinkles. Hyperbaric 
oxygen therapy can help to slow down the aging process. Vitamin D can help with prevention 
of cancer. Green tea supports skeletal muscles and joint health. Quercetin supports bone 
health and can help with preventing bone loss. Tryptophan can help with mood disorders. 
Dark chocolate can help to increase your mental agility and cognition. A study showed that 
people who ate dried fruit were healthier. Dairy products can increase the risk of cancer. 
Bad bacteria in the gut are linked to COPD. Antioxidants can improve cognitive function. 
With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Relieve It. The properties 
help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, alleviate 
discomfort, reduce swelling, and open air passageways. The essential oils in this blend are 
black spruce, black pepper, hyssop, and peppermint. Endless possibilities for good in each 
and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. 
Today's Affirmation: "I choose to be happy." Having a personal relationship with Jesus is a 
game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. 
Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier - getoiling.com/BarbDoyle

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