For those seeking truth -  Vitamin D helps your telomeres to stay longer. Prebiotics can help with 
stress, can help to protect beneficial gut bacteria, and can restore healthy sleep patterns. Nobiletin 
in citrus promotes healthy aging. Extracts from black chokeberry, raspberry, and fireweed have a 
special anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant effect. Walnuts can promote stomach health and help to 
eliminate the bacteria that can cause ulcers. Melatonin supports bone health. Licorice root extract 
has anti-viral components. Resveratrol supports vascular health. Compounds in broccoli can help 
to extend lifespan. With Young Living we are blessed to have AlkaLime. Disease loves acid so for 
wellness a proper pH is so important. That is what AlkaLime is all about as well as helping to get 
rid of yeast and fungus. Creating a more wellness loving internal environment in your body can 
help to eliminate fatigue, low energy, unexplained aches and pains, releases excess weight, 
increases your resistance to illness, alleviates allergies, headaches, irritability, mood swings, 
digestive problems, urinary tract infections, and candida. You will love the results from using 
AlkaLime on a regular basis. Endless possibilities for good in each and every packet. Today's 
Affirmation: "I read my goals every day so that they become who I am now." Getting out in nature 
in green space on a regular basis is uplifting and grounding, helps us to have a better appreciation 
of all of the awesome creation of God and is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better 
path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, 


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