For those seeking truth - A higher level of essential fatty acids is linked with a lower risk of death.
Tree nuts can help to release excess weight. Magnesium, green tea, B complex, and rhodiola can
help you to destress. Green tea can help prevent cancer. Gingko biloba, green tea, and curcumin
can help with parkinsons. Mushrooms can extend lifespan. CoenzymeQ10 is necessary for your
cells to have energy to properly function. Ginger can help to control excessive inflammation.
Creatine can support cognitive function. Exercise can help to keep cells younger. A healthy plant
based diet can protect against memory loss and help with prevention of dementia. With Young
Living we are blessed to have Golden Turmeric. Turmeric has been written up in thousands of
studies and has shown many benefits in many areas of wellness. Golden Turmeric uses a unique
water-dispersible formula that makes it 24 times more bioavailable than standard turmeric products.
Golden Turmeric also has prebiotics to support digestive health. Endless possibilities for good in
each and every spoonful. Today's Affirmation: "I easily attract all that I desire." Asking yourself
"why" until you get down to the root cause of why you do what you do and why you think and
believe what you do, can play a big part in setting yourself free, having the very best life possible,
and is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from