For those seeking truth - Vitamin A supports respiratory health. Regular exercise supports
immune health. Vitamin D protects against respiratory infections. For good brain health get
plenty of vitamin B12. Fiber consumption is linked to a lower risk of cancer. There is a link
between vitamin D deficiency and dry eyes. The gut communicates with the entire brain
through cross-talking neurons. Scientists find a link between autism and highly processed
foods with a preservative that is found to increase pro-inflammatory neurons. With hair
analysis children diagnosed with autism suffer from calcium deficiency and toxic metal
overload. Sorghum has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with the prevention of
atherosclerosis. Sepsis is a form of scurvy so vitamin C is needed. Alpha lipoic acid can
help with memory disorders. Walnuts support the health of telomeres. Fennel essential oil
can help to eliminate harmful fungus from the body. With Young Living we are blessed to
have the essential oil blend of Breathe Again. This blend helps when it is difficult to breathe
due to air pollution or congestion. The oils can relax airways, make breathing easier, and
reduce coughing. The properties in this blend help the body with inflammation, support the
immune system, are antioxidative, support digestion, help to reduce nausea, inhibit disease,
help to relax muscles, support bone and joint health, help with discomfort, help to reduce
swelling, are performance enhancing, and support respiratory health. The essential oils in
this blend are eucalyptus staigeriana, eucalyptus globulus, laurus nobilis, rose hip seed oil,
peppermint, eucalyptus radiata, copaiba, blue cypress, eucalyptus blue, and myrtle. Endless
possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body
to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I take time every day to improve my
health." Focusing on a few things to be grateful for each day is a game changer for wellness.
Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people
to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -


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