Premium real offers you the very best for wellness in every area. Great diffuser recipe -
Fresh Focus - 4 drops peppermint, 3 drops Citrus Fresh, 2 drops lemon, 1 drop Valor
Weekly wellness tips -
Weekly wellness tips - is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living
is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the
solution to your problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back
your power and set yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for
premium essential oils is expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young
Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential
Oil Research and Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter
Kits, order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your
order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our team.
Great video - Watch this and
you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most
important things in the world.

For those seeking truth - Eating meat can increase the risk of asthma. Eating more citrus and green
vegetables can reduce your risk of cancer. Vitamin deficiencies are common in cognitively impaired
adults. Taurine can stimulate new brain cell growth and can defend against toxins that can damage
the brain. Magnesium and chromium can help with insulin resistance. Green tea can help to prevent
cancer. You can reduce your risk of dying from any physical problem by regularly drinking green tea.
Vitamin D supports lung health. Chinese skullcap supports brain health. Brain health is linked to the
good bacteria in the gut. Witnessing negative emotions in others can physically change your brain
as well as theirs. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Shutran. It was
specifically designed for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence. The other properties
help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, help to balance
emotions, support the cardiovascular system, support the digestive system, inhibit disease, reduce
discomfort, and improve cognitive awareness. The essential oils in this blend are ylang ylang,
ocotea, hinoki, davana, cedarwood, lavender, coriander, lemon, and Northern lights black spruce.
Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body
to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Change is easy and it gets me closer to my
goals." Choosing to respond in a positive way, not letting what others say or do offend you, spiraling
up rather than down are game changers for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and
wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
Take action every day and you might be surprised at what wonderful things happen. Great diffuser
recipe - Soft Glow - 3 drops jasmine, 3 drops tangerine, 2 drops lemon, 2 drops Stress Away
Get weekly wellness tips to enhance your life!
Get weekly wellness tips to enhance your life! is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is like a lighthouse,
oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution to your problems was using our
products and sharing with others? Take back your power and set yourself free! Thank you for joining my
team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young
Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and
Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then
enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only
available for our team. Great video - Watch this and
you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things in the

For those seeking truth - Avocado supports the good bacteria in your gut. High blood pressure
can speed up cognitive decline. Grape seed extracts can support longevity. Alpha lipoic acid
supports muscle health and strength. Greater dietary fiber intake is associated with significantly
lower risk of depression. Curcumin can help with canker sores and gingivitis, it also supports
bone health and can help to prevent fractures. Ginger and vitamin E can help with preventing
cancer. High bad fat diets negatively affect the immune system and can drive tumor growth.
Green tea can help to protect against dementia. Cayenne pepper can help you to live a longer
life and is associated with a 25% reduced risk of death from any cause. With Young Living we
are blessed to have the essential oil blend Season Essentials. When the seasons change
many people have uncomfortable symptoms develop. This blend can greatly help to decongest,
open respiratory passages, and bring all-around relief. The properties also help the body with
inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, are relaxing, inhibit disease, are
organ protective, help with discomfort and swelling, and is stimulating to the mind. The essential
oils in this blend are lavender, lemon, peppermint, goldenrod, and eucalyptus blue. Endless
possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to
use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I radiate success." Loving yourself
unconditionally and seeing yourself as an awesome miracle, unique masterpiece, and a gift to
the world is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
You give power to what you focus on. Focus on your dreams. Great diffuser recipe -
Blissful Glow - 4 drops Sensation, 3 drops orange, 2 drops lavender, 1 drop ylang ylang is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living
is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the
solution to your problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back
your power and set yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for
premium essential oils is expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living
is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil
Research and Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits,
order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order.
The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our team. Great video - Watch this and you will know why
Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things in