![CHART YOUR WELLNESS!!!](https://909c0d3efc63d4674cb4-62e8289cb2b35d2d929ba8c1b8f1d0d0.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/2761-5c3385b9d0af8.jpg)
A fun thing to do is print out one of these
at the beginning of the year to chart any illnesses.
You could have different colors for different things. Green for pukes or whatever hahaha. You could also write a number in each square to show severity.
My goal is to never let any illness go beyond level 1 which is*annoyance rather than pain*. (btw, this is just a calendar I found on Google..find & print whatever style you prefer)
Of course my biggest goal is to not be sick at all!! :)
Another thing...mark a tiny S on the days you have been eating sugar & flour to see how it corresponds with sickness since sugar suppresses the immune system.
We are rarely sick now. I think last year I had one day of watery eye and that was it. Each year we get better and better at taking charge of our health, and using Young Living oils & supplements to KEEP our bodies well!! We used to get the pukes a lot more, weeks of coughing, painful throats, etc. Now we have almost none because we have become more proactive rather than waiting til we feel like we've been run over by a truck.
If you have more than a level one or are always sick,
let's chat and help you make a game plan for your family <3
ONE TIP - Get Thieves mouthwash every month in your Essential Rewards order! :)