14-Day NingXia Red Reset

14-Day NingXia Red Reset
Feeling tired? Stressed? Needing to refresh and renew from the inside out?

The 14-Day NingXia Red Reset is a simple, yet effective way to accomplish a wide array of wellness goals:

  • increased energy,
  • improved sleep,
  • decreased stress,
  • maintaining healthy inflammation,
  • weight management,
  • and more!
In this recorded webinar, Amy Minke, MS, LMT discusses some science of wolfberries, NingXia Red, and antioxidants, plus personal testimonials of NINE of her family members doing the Reset at the same time, and the simple how to procedures. Find out what silver spoons and rubber bands have to do with it!

 Get your NingXia Red! 

How do you get Red-Y? It really is simple. Get your NingXia Red. The basic Reset is to drink 6 ounces of NingXia Red for 14 days. You can layer on healthy habits for self care, too -- hydration, healthy eating, exercise. It's up to you!

Connect with our Freedom Oilers community in our Facebook group! (Contact us, and we'll help you get connected!)

Check out what the Freedom Oilers are up to this month - promos, events, and more! 

Cyber Monday - Young Living Must Haves

More Young Living goodies on sale for Cyber Monday 2023!

First, FREE SHIPPING on Shop orders of at least 100PV - November 27th ONLY!

Next, two luxurious diffusers on sale for 50% off. Wow!
  1. The Aria is a water-based ultrasonic diffuser. It's sleek and beautiful - with light and music functions.
  2. The Duet is an essential oil only diffuser - it creates a mist of micro droplets. It can diffuse TWO bottles at once, to create a unique blend in the air or to increase concentration in the air..
--> Keep scrolling for videos showcasing each of these diffusers.

Get Cozy Chai diffuser blend (usually sold in a kit). This yummy blend has cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger, and vanilla!

AND - the limited time Holiday Magic Starter Bundle
Starter Bundles are great ways to save money -- and they're not just for new members. Any member can order a Starter Bundle on a Shop order!
--> Need to reactivate your account? This is a great way + get your home cozy for the holidays!

Got questions? Text my YL text line at 979-314-0210!
Blessings! Amy

Diffuser Details:
Video not available? Here's the link, "Introducing the Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser."

Videos not available? Here are the links: "Introducing the Duet Diffuser" and "Get to Know the Duet Diffuser."

Time to Get Started with Young Living

This week, November 22-27, 2023, is a great time to get started with Young Living - you will save lots of money!

Collect all the savings!
  1. FREE Dew Drop Diffuser
  2. FREE Shipping 
  3. Save 10%
  4. Receive 10% Product Credit

That's a lot of savings! Here are the details.

  1. Order 100PV (basically $100) in your first order and get a FREE Dew Drop Diffuser!
  2. Toggle that first order into a Loyalty Rewards order and get FREE SHIPPING.
  3. Use promo code SHAREYL at checkout and receive 10% off your first order!
  4. All Loyalty Rewards orders receive product credit -- 10% back for months 1-3, then more.
  5. Add in the monthly promos, depending on how much you order, and you'll get free gifts, too!
Now, the question is WHAT DO I ORDER?

Here are some options:
What I love about this one... so much! Wonderful essential oils and blends to use in your diffuser(s) PLUS Thieves Household Cleaner! (It's only available in November 2023, while supplies last!)

Roll-ons + a different diffuser + must have essential oils and blends

A FABULOUS collection of essential oils and blends that gives you wellness tools you can use in just about any situation that comes up + a different diffuser + Thieves Hand Sanitizer and Spray

Got kids? They will love the owl diffuser (and so will you) that's also a night light and white noise machine + Kidscents essential oil blends specially formulated for kids and already diluted

Now is a great time to get started -- and introduce these essential oils into your home -- make your house smell wonderful (naturally) and experience the benefits as you take your next steps on your wellness journey!

If you would like to chat about ordering options or how tos, send a text to my YL text line at 979-314-0210.

Young Living's Black Friday 2023

OK, it's Black Friday but early! As in RIGHT NOW! Save 25-50% on LOTS of Young Living's favorite products! Shop until Saturday, November 18 at 11:59pm, MT!

Scroll down to see the whole list by percent saved, but here are some Wish Lists of my favorites by category!

Holiday Goodies - make your home (and person) smell like the holidays, naturally!
Minke Must Haves - Seriously! Just about all of the Young Living products we literally panic if we don't have are ON SALE! These are the ones we don't leave home without, aka The Diaper Bag oils. 
More Comfortable -- As massage therapists, these are some of our favorites to keep in the office or use for self care to decrease discomfort in muscles and joints.
For the Guys -- I don't know about you, but I find it challenging to shop for the guys on my gift list... here are some great ideas, ON SALE!
Thieves - SO MANY Thieves products ON SALE!
Winter Wellness -- Wellness tools that you need, now -- oils, supplements, and perimeter defense!
Stocking Stuffers -- These are budget friendly for all those small gifts you need throughout the holidays (teachers, hostesses, stockings, etc.). Some of the items are "sets" that you can break into individual gifts.

5 Day Cleanse -- You know you're going to need to cleanse during or after the holiday season, aka the sugar season. Stock up now on sale! (I've got my 5-day Nutritive Cleanse scheduled for between Thanksgiving and Christmas!)
Here's our leader, Judy De La Rosa sharing about the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse:

You can share with your friends and family -- and get referral credit!
Open any of the Wish Lists above in your Young Living account, then click, "Share." It will create a link with your referral number already in it!

Here are all the details:

Good Days

Good Days
Let's have good days this year! One easy to way to start is by applying essential oils each morning. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living had a particular protocol that he shared... and it's a good one!

Valor is a beautiful blend for a feeling of grounding. I like to do the Valor hold -- on either my wrists or my feet.

Harmony has a rich, uplifting, floral aroma. I find it brings about a feeling of well-being and... harmony. I like to apply it on the back of my neck and my sacrum and low back. Another option is to apply in the belly button. Or, just apply on typical perfume points.

3) Joy
Joy has a bright, vibrant, floral aroma. It encourages feelings of happiness. If I'm grumpy, sometimes I put it on the bottom of my feet (it still works, but I'm not smelling it. LOL!) Otherwise, I rub a drop or two over my heart, on the left side of my chest.

White Angelica was designed to provide feelings of protectedness. I like to wear it when I'm around a crowd of people ore feeling bombarded by a situation. My mom told me she wears it when she goes to Wal-Mart.... I apply a drop of 2 to the tops of my shoulders and the top of my head.

I apply each oil, then cup my hands over my nose and mouth and inhale each aroma. It's a great way to have a positive intervention in my day... just takes a few minutes and makes a big difference!

Join us for the Wellness Renewal and focus on the 4 Essentials for Life!
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