Now, it's even simpler to make your home page what you want it to be, and even choose a home page that isn't in your menu!  To set a custom home page, click on the Customize My Site menu item in the menu, then choose your home page from the "I would like my home page to be" field. You can choose from one of the built-in website themes, your blog, or a custom page, and easily choose a landing page, too, if you'd like.

The rest of the Customize My Site page has been organized to make it easier to use and to know which setting applies to what area of your site.

The page editor itself also has a way to make your home page be the current page that you're editing, so you don't have to go looking elsewhere. Click this new little dropdown next to the Settings button, and then choose to set this page as the home page of your site.  Additionally, there now is a way to make a copy of the page you're editing and even delete the page.

You can continue to use the menu editor to set a custom home page as well. 

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