We're excited to announce that you can create an online community and courses faster and easier with the new Member Area Setup Guide! This guide is located on the member area setup page and the list of vaults inside your back office. The guide walks you through step-by-step on how to create a fully-functional member area, vaults, and classes, and also features an easy way to invite people to your vaults. It also automatically reviews the vault campaign you have selected to make sure it will invite people to a vault, and if it isn't set up correctly, it offers a one-click fix that will add the correct message to the campaign.
The guide looks like the following.

Also, there is a new "Invite Contacts to a Vault" link on your dashboard. This allows you to invite people to a vault more easily.

We hope these additions help you create and grow your online community and courses faster and easier than before. As always, please reach out to Support if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!