Anointing of Jesus with Ancient Oils of the Bible

In an act of profound love and humility, Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus' feet, symbolizing her gratitude and devotion. She used an expensive oil made from Spikenard, a Himalayan plant, showcasing the depth of her sacrifice. Through her actions, Mary demonstrated a powerful love for Jesus, emphasizing the significance of forgiveness and the transformative power it holds.

Jesus' response to Mary's act shed light on the essence of true love and forgiveness. Despite criticism from onlookers who judged Mary's past, Jesus highlighted her actions as a demonstration of great love and forgiveness. He contrasted her actions with those of his host, showing that her sins had been forgiven due to her love and humility.

This touching story underscores the idea that love and forgiveness are closely intertwined. Mary's act of anointing Jesus with Spikenard not only represented her own redemption but also serves as a universal symbol of the healing power of forgiveness. It invites readers to reflect on the depth of their love and the power of forgiveness in their own lives.
Mary Magdalene's act of anointing Jesus' feet is a profound narrative of redemption, love, and humility. Having been forgiven of all her sins, she demonstrated her deep gratitude and reverence for Jesus by using a precious ointment made from Spikenard, a valuable Himalayan plant, also known as Valerian. This act of anointing, which was her life's worth, symbolizes the outpouring of her love and the relinquishing of her past for a renewed life in Jesus.

In a moment of intimate worship, Mary used her tears to wash Jesus’ feet, subsequently drying them with her hair, and then anointing them with the valuable oil. This touching scene not only highlights her immense love and gratitude for the forgiveness and new life offered by Jesus but also illustrates a significant act of humility and devotion. Through this gesture, Mary sets an exemplary precedent for expressing heartfelt worship and thanksgiving.

The narrative further emphasizes the power of forgiveness and the transformative impact it has on individuals. Jesus' response to Mary's act of love and the criticism from onlookers, underscores the profound truth that those forgiven much, love much. This story serves as a beacon of hope, inviting individuals to experience the depth of Jesus’ love and the life-changing power of forgiveness as they journey through their faith.

Spring into Wellness

Spring into Wellness
Spring into Wellness!

Hello, it’s always a joy to connect with you, especially after our encounters during my Sniff and Gift Bundle events throughout the past year. Welcoming you into my Healthy Living team as a customer or NEW friend has been one of my highlights of Spring and I am bursting froth with new ideas to share.  Which is why I'm so eager to set forth into this vibrant season together

With spring in the air, we’re on the threshold of rejuvenation and freshness. That's why I'm excited to introduce our Spring into Better Health challenge - a perfect opportunity for you to embrace holistic wellness with essential oils.
I'd love for you to visit my informational website, where you can effortlessly navigate through a wealth of knowledge on essential oils. Whether you're keen on exploring our selection of single essential oils or ready to dive into a transformative journey with one of our kits, you'll find everything you need to kickstart your Spring and Summer of health. Look for the ordering options right at the top left-hand corner!

If you’re unsure where to begin or have specific personal or business needs, I am here for you with a FREE CONSULTATION. Allow me to be your guide.

For this season, I’d recommend starting with either Joy or Geranium Both embody the essence of spring with their rich, floral scents that inspire trust, Restore Hope, and usher Joy into your daily life. Joy or Geranium free with your March order! 

Moreover, I’d be delighted to add you to my GetOiling website. It’s a treasure trove of educational content and videos, all geared towards enriching your understanding of essential oils and their myriad benefits.

Understanding that your time is valuable, I aim to offer you flexibility. Feel free to reach out at your convenience for a FREE MEETING to discuss your specific needs. Just give me a call at 440-371-0628. Don't hesitate to leave a message, and I'll get back to you so we can tailor a Hope and Healthy Living plan that resonates with your heart’s desires.

 This March, you have an incredible opportunity to enhance your wellness journey with not just one, but two amazing gifts - Joy and Geranium essential oils. With every qualifying order this month, these two precious oils can be yours, completely free!

Joy essential oil is a delightful blend that invites a sense of warmth and happiness into your home, transforming your space into a serene haven. Its uplifting aroma is perfect for diffusing during your morning routine or any time you need an aromatic pick-me-up. Composed of a unique blend of floral and citrus essential oils, Joy promotes positive emotions, making it a must-have in your daily wellness regimen.

Geranium, on the other hand, boasts a sweet, floral fragrance that can help revitalize your senses and promote a peaceful atmosphere. Known for its beautifying properties, Geranium essential oil is fantastic for incorporating into your skincare routine, leaving your skin looking radiant and healthy. Additionally, its calming aroma makes it ideal for diffusing or applying topically to create a relaxing and harmonious environment.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to add these two versatile and beloved essential oils to your collection. Elevate your wellness practices, inspire joy and serenity in your daily life, and embrace the natural benefits that come with your March order. Get ready to infuse your home and your heart with the delightful aromas of Joy and Geranium essential oils. Remember, this offer is only available for a limited time, so be sure to place your qualifying order today and make the most of this amazing deal!

For further exploration:
- Website of Hope and Healthy Living Coach Laurel Sharing Hope And Healthy Living
- Engage with our community on YouTube for a dose of Healthy Living With Oily Blessings with Hope And Healthy Living Coach 

Let's also connect on Facebook -  Facebook Laurel C Dobson  and remember, you can place your orders directly HERE  or above  where is says ORDER Here 

Thank you for considering this journey into health with me. Remember, follow me on my YouTube channel Hope and Healthy Living Coach Laurel which  is filled with hopeful content, free from advertisements, just for you.

I’m looking forward to fostering a friendship and sharing in a hopeful, Healthy Living experience designed just for you. Remember the Ningxia Red Challenge continues each and every month it’s never too late to Restore Hope,  Renew your Mind, ReEnergize your body 

Let’s swing into Spring and Summer with an added Vim & Vigor in our steps! 
Laurel Dobson
Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 

Ningxia Red Powerhouse of Wellness

Ningxia Red is a powerhouse drink that offers numerous health and wellness benefits. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health or searching for a natural way to boost energy, Ningxia Red Powerhouse of Wellenss might just be the solution you've been looking for. Here are 10 benefits of incorporating Ningxia Red into your daily routine:

14 - Day ReSet Restore Hope, ReNew your Mind, ReEnergize your Body

14 - Day ReSet  Restore Hope, ReNew your Mind, ReEnergize your Body
Join Healthy Living with Oily Blessings  on the NingXia Reset journey and experience the incredible benefits of Young Living's NingXia Red! But first, let's talk about what NingXia Red actually is.

Why should you choose Young Living's NingXia Red for your 14-Day Reset? Well, the answer lies in the incredible health benefits it offers. By incorporating NingXia Red into your daily routine, you can expect to restore hope, renew your mind, and reenergize your body. It's the perfect way to kickstart a healthier new year! Remember there is #AlwaysHope ! 

Introducing the Make a Shift Ningxia 14-Day Reset Kit from Young Living! Are you ready to make a positive change in your life? By incorporating Young Living's NingXia Red into your daily routine, you can expect to restore hope, renew your mind, and reenergize your body. It's the perfect way to kickstart a healthier new year! Order your kit before January 31, 2024, and save $25!

During these 14 days, you'll enjoy the delicious taste of NingXia Red while resetting your overall perspective on life. It's an opportunity to reignite your energy, boost your immunity, and nourish your body from the inside out. And with Laurel Dobson as your enrollee #2339052, you'll have the support and guidance you need every step of the way. Visit our website and sign in to embark on this transformative journey today!

Start your wellness journey with Young Living's Loyalty Rewards Program and unlock exclusive savings on all your essential oil must-haves. Enter the code "ShareYL" at checkout and enjoy even more discounts and benefits. Join now and earn points with every purchase, redeemable for free products. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to save and stock up on high-quality, pure essential oils that will transform your wellbeing. Apply code "ShareYL" now and start your savings journey with Young Living.

Explosive NewYear

2024 An Explosive New Year and more! 

I am praying Ephesians 3:16 over your life! 

May God grant you, according to HIS riches and HIS glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in YOUR inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend  God’s Love for you! 

With all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that YOU may be filled with all the fullness of God. 

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagine, or think, according to HIS power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭21‬

ALL to the GLORY of GOD!!!! 

Remember there is #HappyNewYear #HappyNewYear2024  #AlwaysHope  #NeverGiveUp  #JesusMessiahHasCome #ExplosiveBlessings  #PeaceOfGod #PeaceOfChristmas #WhatIsChristmas #HopeForTheHurting #Peace #WhereIsPeace

Lord, we thank you that do not withhold your blessings from us! But….jpeg
May your New Year be Blessed as you Walk with God! 
Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 
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