Is it possible for my Mind to be STILL in an unsettling World?

Is it possible for my Mind to be STILL in an unsettling World?
Be Still

Be Still Before the Lord  

Fishermen have the right idea! To sit and be still in the presence of nature. Who created nature? God created nature so if we are sitting in the presence of nature we are sitting in the presence of God.
Nature’s beauty and Glory reflects God’s creativity! 

Bask in His Presence today. Let God reveal himself in the stillness of a lake. 

No wonder Jesus took time to be “Alone with His Father” HE too, needed to bask in the Father’s love and presence. 

Today, I challenge you to block out the World, the Ugliness, the Deceit, the Betrayal, the Hopelessness, the darkness and the schemes of evil, only BE STILL! Bask in His Presence and your Hope will be Restored, as you Study His Word Your Mind will be Renewed. As you bask in God’s Presence He will ReEnergize your Body.

“Be still and Know that I am God!” Psalms 46:10

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:3-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

 “ Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalms‬ ‭46:10-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Learning to be still in the Lord has been my most difficult of all task. 

Pray with me… 
Lord thank you for quieting my spirit, for calming my heart, and silencing the  unrestfullness of my mind. 

For as I am still before YOU my mind is at peace. It’s only in you that my hope is restored! It’s only in you Lord,  my mind is renewed by your Word. It’s only in you Lord  that I have been re-energized to speak and share hope to those around me.


 Peace and Calming anoint your head each time you pray and speak God’s Words into your life. 

#short #BeStill #Fishermen#Short #AlwaysHope #NeverGiveUp #PrayWithMe #HopeRestored #RestoreYourHope #RenewYourMind #ReEnergizeYourBody #Nature #MomentsInNature #GodsRevealedInNature #NatureRevealsGod #PeaceAndCalming #Tranquil #StressAway
Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 

Enroll a Friend for Christmas in July!

Enroll a Friend for Christmas in July!
Enrollment offer!
🍋What a perfect time to enrolle a friend AND to encourage your current members to do the same!  
From YL:
🍋 Brighten your new Customer’s or Brand Partner’s first order with something special! Starting at 12 midnight, MT, on Monday, July 25, when you enroll a new Customer or Brand Partner, they can earn two free bottles of Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap. All they need to do is place a 100+ PV one-time or Loyalty Rewards order.
🍋Why will they love Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap? It features our signature Lushious Lemon scent—a combination of Lemon, Lemon Myrtle, Spearmint, and Ylang Ylang premium essential oils. The instant foam makes it easy to lather and rinse, the added aloe and gingko biloba moisturize to promote softer and smoother hands, and the formula contains naturally derived, plant-based ingredients for gentle cleansing.
🍋This offer is available until 11:59 p.m., MT, on Sunday, July 31, in the U.S. market only.
But that’s not the only offer! 
Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 

Bowel Health Begins in the Gut

Bowel Health

The modern diet consists of so much processed food that our bodies have a difficult time processing that food. Diets high in processed foods deplete our body’s natural enzyme function. The modern diet often times results in the need for supplementation to support the normal functioning of the digestive system. 

Order today.

The Cleansing Trio consists of 3 YL supplements:
Essentialyzymes: Digestive enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of food, they drive vitamins and minerals in your cells. They are essential to your body’s many systems.
ICP: Comes in a powder form of soluble & insoluble fibers that consist of psyllium and other fibers. In simple terms ICP helps to push your stools out making them easier to pass. 
Comfortone: Comes in capsule form and it’s job is to help get your stools moving again! I love this stuff! Don’t just take my word listen to Dr Lindsey Elmore a pharmacist  


Our bodies are made to process and absorb certain quality nutrients. Much of the food we consume tends to clog us up and cause some issues within our digestive systems. When you pair these supplements together for 5 consecutive days, it gives your body a bit of a break from those clogging foods, giving it a reset. 

The cleanse: 
BALANCE COMPLETE is a powerful nutritive energizer and a cleanser. With ingredients such as brown rice bran, barley grass, and extra virgin coconut oil, Balance Complete is high in fiber, protein, and minerals for a nutritionally dynamic meal.
DIGEST AND CLEANSE supports healthy digestion and soothes gastrointestinal upset caused by stress, overeating, and toxins. It helps soothe the bowel, prevent gas, and stimulate stomach secretions, aiding digestion.
NINGXIA RED is a powerful, whole-body supplement. This sweet and tangy drink’s formula includes wolfberry, which is touted for its health benefits, Young Living’s NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness.
This is just a glimpse of what YL truly offers ! 

It’s time to take your health and wellness into your own hands . 

We call this transfer buying and YL makes it so easy by offering a member exclusive program called Essential Rewards (ER). 

You can ditch chemicals out of your home, save money, and earn money while doing it. 

If you are not yet currently enrolled on ER text me back with your first order (screen shot with Date - member id - name - so I can see its Loyalty Rewards ) I will send you a freebie oil!!! 

Want to learn more about our amazing Essential Rewards program? Text back LOYALTY REWARDS to learn more. 

To join Hope Coach Laurel’s DETOX class text back DETOX CLASS

Blessings Info from 
Diamond Carrie Liebich 

I would love to set up a class at your home and we can do an ITOVI scan to identify what your body needs. 
Laurel Dobson
Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 

How Brain Health, Anosmia, Emotional Wellness are affected by Essential Oils

Brain Health, Anosmia, Emotional Wellness and Essential Oils 

Anosmia - If you have lost your sense of smell now feeling extremely emotionally distraught there is a REASON! Anosmia 

Smell aromatic molecules influence the emotional center of your brain. 

Now as you have heard me  share on #HealthyLivingWithOilyBlessings about the Olfactory system! 

A picture is worth 1000 words. Notice how the olfactory system has olfactory receptors, the receptors in our brain absorb essential oils on this molecular level. Many people have experienced a loss of smell due to Covid 19 or severe Sinus Infections. Have you? 

Which Essential oils are proven beneficial to regain the scent of smell? Have you lost your sense of smell? 

Help, I recovered from Covid but now I can’t smell anything? Is there any hope? 

Here are five Young Living EssentialOils that are beneficial to improve and support scent recovery.  #HealthyLivingWithOilyBlessing brings hope for those who have lost their sense of smell. Keep reading or listening!

Did you know you can retrain your olfactory system because of its regenerative abilities?

“It’s not entirely clear how olfactory training works on a neurological level. Part of it, says Hummel, is mere attention: focusing on one’s olfactory impressions makes a person better at recognizing them. “Cognitive processing is improved,” he says.

The olfactory system is also known for its regenerative abilities; the subventricular zone of the mammalian brain is one of the few regions that births new neurons into adulthood, sending the cells to the olfactory bulb. And the peripheral nerve cells in the nose renew every few weeks.” Wysocki says. 

By smelling essential oil’s your brain can be retrained to identify a sense of smell

#RecoveredFromCovidWithNoSmell #AlwaysHope #EssentialOilsToSupport 

Day 1 Restoring the Sense of Smell - Is it Possible to Get Back My Sense of Smell? YES! 

By now you have heard me  share on #HealthyLivingWithOilyBlessings about the Olfactory system! A picture is worth 1000 words. Notice how the olfactory system has olfactory receptors, the receptors in our brain absorb essential oils on this molecular level. Many people have experienced a loss of smell due to Covid 19. 

If you have lost your sense of Smell and Taste Watch for more information to come! #RestorativePowerOfTheBrain #Anosmia #HelpICantSmell #LostTheSenseOfSmell #IsThereAnyHope #AlwaysHope #EssentialOilsAndTheOlfactorySystem #EssentialOilRestorativePower  #5EssentialOilsToHelpBringBackTheSenseOfSmell

Subscribe today so that you don’t miss a single episode from #HealthyLivingWithOilyBlessings #HealthyLivingTips #SharingHopeAndHealthyLiving #SharingHopeAndHealthyLivingOneDropAtATime #HealthyLivingBodyMindAndSoul #HealthyLiving

Part 2 Retrain your scent of smell Smell Therapy Retrains your brain to smell. Which 5  Essential Oils are used in smell therapy? Part 2 1 - peppermint,  2 - Citrus - Lemongrass or Lemon ,  3 -  Spice - Clove    4 - Floral - Geranium    5 -  Eucalyptus Radiata 

If you are interested I do have all the needed supplies to show you how it works. The session includes training and samples of each oil to be used.  It roughly takes about 60 minutes. The therapy session is only $60 unless you purchase the

Bring a friend lower your cost $45 
Bring 2 friends, it's only $ 35 each! 

Remember the class is free when you purchase a Young Living Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit

If you like free Essential Oils bring a friend! 

Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 

Celebrate International Essential Oils Day with Young Living

Celebrate International Essential Oils Day with Young Living


Explore Young Living history of our Visionary and Pioneer Dr. Gary Young. Today we are remembering by Celebrating International Essential Oils Day. 

From Healthy Living With Oily Blessings: I have a free oil for anyone who orders today! 

Those who become Loyalty Rewards partners and are interested in your own business as a Brand Partner Let’s talk get you started on your way to improve your healthy living and earn an income as well!! 

Young Living: Our International Essential Oils Day offer starts today with 10% off select essential oils, 25% off Gary’s Great Day Protocol, plus savings on select diffusers!

Hope and
Healthy Living Coach 
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