Did you know the Thieves Laundry Soap is ultra concentrated, so you only need a TEENY bit for a whole load of laundry? We've been conditioned by detergent manufacturers to fill that cup on the top of the bottle, but if you're doing that with your Thieves Laundry Soap, you're using too much!
Here's what I do to ensure we aren't wasting detergent (and money!). This lasts my family of 4 about 4 months and does a great job on stains.
1. Pour entire bottle of Thieves Laundry Soap into a large glass jar with a spigot (
like this one), or a pump (like the one pictured).
2. Add 1/4 cup Thieves Cleaner to the jar.
3. Add a 5ml bottle of essential oil of your choice (I love
Lemongrass or
Lavender) to the jar.
4. Fill the empty Thieves Laundry Soap bottle with water and pour into the glass jar. Repeat 1-2 times. Save the cap.
5. Stir to combine everything well.
6. Now you can fill the cap from the Thieves Laundry Soap bottle and use it like you normally would. It's safe for HE washers, too.