acne can be a symptom of stress..
TODAY we are going to be talking about hormones and stress and how that all intertwines with our body and then how our body kind of communicates that with ourselves like if I have a hormone imbalance it can translate a completely different way for me than it does you.

I'm Allie,  I am a healthy hormone advocate and educator and this was something that I was forced into 14 years ago because I was the most unhealthy skinny person ever I grew up on Totino's and antibiotics and pop-tarts.

That was my world and until I started having hormone imbalance and being completely miserable I didn't find a reason to care about health.

For me, growing up healthy was my mom putting in whole wheat germ berries in our pancakes. So she'd say like we're having pancakes and you get so excited and then you run downstairs, take a bite and there's a big old wheat germ berry and you're "like healthy is not fun why do people do this?!"

I became a modern-day hippie in that sense of "okay let's figure out how to do this wellness thing well and empower and educate women so that they can run the best that they can and what they are called to do"

That is why I'm here.  I have dealt with extreme weight gain due to hormone imbalance (and everything that goes along with hormones) and stress.

It's been 14 years of learning and loving my body through it and with that there's this common core that we as women no matter what our actual struggle is that we can encourage each other and come together.  We can send each other off to run really well and powerfully despite our appearance. I'm tired of waiting for "the healing".

Stop waiting and let's do and as we go we are healed, as we go we find that purpose.

I really want to talk about stress and hormones because we are living in a world right now where it can be very stressful and there's a lot of unknowns and that plays with your hormones majorly.

If you want to learn more about hormones and stress and ways that I love to release emotional release, cycle syncing, all of that fun stuff I have a private Facebook group where I educate daily.

I also have a course that is the foundation of your hormones and what the heck your body is going through monthly! We learn about each phase of your cycle and really optimizing it in our everyday life and work.

DID YOU KNOW our brain changes up to 25% each week of our cycle and so there are times that you are more physically more prone to go into big social settings or to go inward and plan really well and if we can utilize those times and ebbs and flows of our hormones goodness gracious we are on fire. That's my latest passion project so if you want to chat more about that or learn more please feel free to reach out to me.
Let's chat about stress, so the first thing we need to evaluate is the stressors in our life okay obviously I think I can speak for all of us covid is one of the biggest, so the environment of the unknown is something I really am having to work through, process and release.
Another stressor on our hormones can be working out,  it can be good stress but depending on where your adrenals are and your cortisol levels it can actually be more of a stress on your body and throw you off.
Adrenal fatigue is real and that's something that I've had to process through and don't wish anyone to fall into that deep hole!

Okay, the next stressor in our life can be not eating enough. That is something I have done way too many times over the years, restricting my body from all the food it needs.   Then my body thinks "oh my gosh she's never gonna feed me again I need to store ALL the fate and food because we're in famine!"

All right so the next one is environment kind of like we talked about with even at your house environment the place you live, your friends, all that kind of stuff matters.  It all adds up and in your body and eventually, your body is going to shut down on you. This is what happened to me years ago and I am still digging out of the hole.
Another thing with the environment is toxins, so candles,  cleaning chemicals, hair products, body products... that's one thing that I've had to really ditch.

The stuff that I was using every day on and in my body for years I was trying to fix my hormones and still slathering on chemically-laden, endocrine-disrupting products.

Something to really start looking at is what you are using in your everyday
and the antibacterial you're using and the cleaner you're using and everything.  

Please, for the love of your hormones check out your everyday household products, that's a huge place to start.  Don't know where to start? I would love to walk with you!
Okay so then the next stressor is your job or lack thereof right now for a lot
of people.
The next thing is are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is huge, which I didn't realize for a very very long time. Sleep for everything.
I am a professed night owl and I am making it happen because I know how important it is to allow my body to heal while I sleep.

For so many of us, stress manifests in different ways.
77 percent of stress manifests as physical for people
73 manifests as psychological
48 lie awake at night and can't sleep
that's half the population not sleeping at night.  Ugh, ladies, that is not good.

So then emotion and the stress of emotion gets ingrained into your body it literally turns into a physical mass. This is something that I dig into deeper in my
hope + hormones coursebecause it is huge with hormones!

An emotion turns into a physical mass in your body and if you do not release it properly it will get stored in your body. There are organs linked to different emotions:

Lungs, Skin, Large Intestine – Grief, Courage
Kidney, Ears, Bladder – Fear
Heart, Small Intestine – Impatience, Love
Spleen, Stomach, Pancreas – Anxiety, Trust

If you don't release it will get stored and trapped in your body and then that is where dis-ease comes from when we relive an emotion our body cannot tell the difference between it actually happening and us just reliving it and so when our body is put through that all over again and it's this vicious cycle.

Your body is designed to eliminate toxins through different pathways-
your liver, large intestine, kidneys, skin, and lymphatic system.

So if one of these pathways is blocked and not being able to properly eliminate it's going to find another place to eliminate itself and one way is through acne and so through sweating your skin eliminates anything that your liver and large intestine couldn't dispose of itself.

Because your skin is the last stop for waste removal of toxins you may experience acne or rosacea or eczema or any kind of obnoxious skin issues.

Let's chat about cortisol real quick and how cortisol plays a large role in hormones.
So your cortisol, every morning should start at its highest when you wake up. Cortisol is your get-up-and-go hormone in a sense. It's the rise and shine porcupine. Then throughout the day, it should slowly start dipping and at night time it should be its lowest.  Melatonin then takes over and makes you sleepy at night.
I would wake up with my cortisol really low in the morning and then it would go up up up up up throughout the day and then at night it spiked.

Possibly if you have high cortisol at night you have that wired and tired feeling.

You've been so tired all freaking day and then you lay in bed and you're blinking you can't sleep.  That is probably high cortisol.

I am not here to prescribe or diagnose I'm just here to give you the facts from my research and my life experience!

Okay, so that's kind of cortisol in a nutshell of what it's supposed to be doing like that's what it's supposed to be doing in your body.

All right so we chatted about cortisol, what does that even have to do with acne?   Let me tell you I didn't even know this ladies, it's very interesting! Cortisol is secreted by the endocrine system in response to stress,  cortisol then releases androgens, and then these escalate the production of sebum a protective oily substance naturally produced by glands near the skin follicles.

I understand that like acne and skin issues can be a host of issues, it's not just one thing and it's not just stress but I'm here talking about stress right now so knowing that like I think for me it's helpful when I know "okay, this is what happens when I get stressed out.."

It's so helpful knowing with stress, cortisol is telling your body to pump out some oily protective sebum produced by glands near your hair follicles.

I want to say so many blessings to you over this next year and do not allow your appearance and what you believe to be your pitfalls or not your pitfalls you're like the negatives of you um to keep you hidden like just go shine get real loud and allow that beauty to be shown because there's like more women need to see the vulnerableness of women doing something before while they're still in that waiting while they're still in that.

ready to join FREE a collective where my passion is to educate you on your hormones + how to make them your superpower?!

xoxo, allie


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