hormone health & the 3 stages you will encounter

 hormone health & the 3 stages you will encounter

A woman's cycle is regulated by an interaction of multiple hormones, which regulate the activity of tissues (and cells) within our organs. If our hormones are off balance, it can feel as though our entire life is off balance.  (I can speak from experience!)

The effects can range from gaining weight for no reason, to fluid or fat in the wrong places, mood swings, hot flashes, anxiety, depression or sleep issues.


Understanding our normal cycle can help us understand what is happening when we have symptoms during menopause or perimenopause.

When a woman is fertile, she has a menstrual cycle which is typically 28-30 days, with day one of her monthly cycle starting the first day of bleeding.

There are three phases to a menstrual cycle:  follicular, ovulatory, + luteal.

A menstrual cycle is the rise and fall of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone and results in an egg growing and the lining of the uterus thickening.

A woman typically gets her first period between 12 and 16 years of age and continues to have a cycle until around age 45-48, where she is then perimenopausal or enters full menopause.  

there are 3 phases to menopause:


let's break them down....

1. Perimenopause

Perimenopause refers to the years leading up to full menopause, which is where the production of hormones begin to decline and create an imbalance for some women. It starts with a drop in progesterone followed by lower estrogen production.

As a result, periods become light or less frequent. Symptoms can include short-cycles, trouble sleeping or frequent waking, night sweats and the most common, anxiety. Such symptoms can be reduced or eliminated fully when hormones are balanced and supported.

In clinical practice, we see 50% of such symptoms be completely resolvable with lifestyle and food changes, including proper and healthy stress management.

Perimenopause starts at age 45 or older and can last up to five or six years before entering full menopause.

2. Menopause

The official definition of menopause is when you do not have a period for 12 months or more. The average age for menopause is 51 years.

Much like perimenopause, hormone levels continue to drop with estrogen taking the biggest drop. 

A secondary concern for low estrogen levels is bone loss. Estrogen promotes osteoblasts, which are cells necessary to produce bone. If we are low in estrogen, we are not able to effectively absorb calcium which is needed to build bone mass.

3. Postmenopause

The years following menopause is referred to as postmenopause. Unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats, typically stop at this time.

However, due to the reduction in estrogen, there is a continued concern for bone loss and osteoporosis. 

Why We Experience Menopause Symptoms

Symptoms during menopause can affect over 75% of women going through this transition. 

Oftentimes, symptoms can be contributed to sleep quality, toxins, dietary choices, and stress levels. 

Sleep is so important to our body.

Simply said, if we are not sleeping, we cannot heal. Poor sleep can be due to external factors such as poor sleep hygiene or hypoglycemia, stress, high cortisol or an imbalance in neurotransmitters.

A circadian rhythm issue is often at the root of sleep issues, as well. Getting a good night's rest is one of the most important things we can do for our hormones!

The foods we eat, and whether they are organic or not can have an effect on how we process and eliminate our hormones. 

Amino acids (proteins), and compounds in fruits and vegetables all play an important role in liver detoxification.

If we are consuming foods which have pesticides and chemicals, they will act as additional hormones in our body, which further builds the case to eat organic.

A simple trick to help you use the protein you are eating is to add collagen or broth to your muscle meat (not organ meats), which will decrease their inflammatory potential and increase the bioavailability of their amino acids.

If you are over 50, this is a rule you should faithfully follow.


Cortisol is the main stress hormone in our body and is secreted during times of stress, low or high blood sugar, or infection/inflammation. 

Cortisol is huge when it comes to our sex hormones being in balance. Hormones can be off balance and it is often due to high-stress levels.

Women in menopause can have low cortisol during the day and high cortisol at night, creating even further chaos (there’s that circadian rhythm issue we mentioned above which is commonly known as adrenal fatigue). 

While cellular repair and rejuvenation are what we need at this    point, most women are given selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or antidepressants instead of addressing the root cause and getting hormones checked. 

Common Symptoms During Menopause

Hot flashes which are sudden temperature increases and feeling flushed for no reason at all. Hot flashes can also simultaneously happen with night sweats. 

Night Sweats are due to changes in hormone levels, which affect the body's internal temperature regulating thermostat. 

Weight Gain can be a big symptom when going through menopause. This is not due to overeating or not working out enough. A slowed metabolism means less cellular energy and impaired thyroid function, usually suppressed by stress hormones—this leads to weight gain, bloating and depression.

Brain fog or mood swings throughout the day can be a big symptom during menopause. This is typically due to low neurotransmitter levels and hormone imbalances, which contribute to low cortisol output and poor cognitive function. Anxiety can also occur and be non-stop, usually due to low progesterone levels. 

Vaginal dryness, as well as low libido, can occur during menopause. This is typically due to the body producing less lubrication due to the reduction in estrogen production. 

You know if you have experienced these symptoms or have a loved one who has experienced them, they are no fun at all! 

The good news is you can take steps now and transform the way you enter menopause in the future or reduce current symptoms you have now, while in menopause. 

Creating Balance & Harmony During Menopause

Sleep Well
Creating a sleep routine which both supports deeper sleep and reduces waking times during the night is so important to healing.

Reduce Caffeine
Start to reduce caffeine by starting to replace your regular cup of joe with decaf or aim to get real energy from medicinal mushrooms. Lion’s mane is a medicinal mushroom especially targeted at healing the nervous system. Secondly, foods which can give you energy (and nutrients!), such as wild blueberries, leafy greens, superfoods, and herbs, can help with the transition off of caffeine (as can foods high in vitamin C). 

Avoid Plastics & Obesogens
These interfere with our metabolism and the production of hormones. It is best to avoid drinking hot liquids out of plastic!   Use reusable glass bottles as much as possible and check out our environmental blog for more tips on replacing plastics.

Gut Health
Healthy production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) and digestive enzymes is important at any age; however, it becomes more important as we grow older. HCL is part of a gastric secretion which is needed for proper digestion, especially protein digestion. Sometimes, adding it in short-term can help support your body in producing enough HCL on its own.

Key Nutrients For Hormone Balance

Vitamin C
Fatigue can be a huge issue during this time of transition. A water-soluble vitamin, which is known to support the immune system (as well as the adrenals and HPA-axis), vitamin C is essentially the backbone to collagen production and necessary for mitochondrial health (also known as energy production).  Want to know my favorite, 
just ask!

We love magnesium and typically recommend taking either orally or applying topically. Magnesium is well known for its benefits of muscle relaxation but is needed for so much more.

Magnesium also supports:

  • Adrenal + thyroid health
  • Estrogen detoxification
  • Glutathione production
  • Production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin

Signs of low magnesium can be:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Anxiety
  • Feelings of weakness
  • Insomnia
  • Poor appetite

Be sure to include magnesium supplements (or food sources of magnesium) before getting to the point of deficiency, as it is essential to the body. When choosing a magnesium supplement, we recommend glycinate or magnesium oil.

Breathing Smart
We take over 20-30,000 breaths per day. Breathing is so essential to our wellbeing, as it regulates the body. Respiration is the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, so make sure to stop and pause to breathe in and out through your nose, making your exhalations longer than your inhalations. 

Alternate Nostril Breathing
When possible, do this breathing exercise before you go to bed. Alternate Nostril Breathing is a powerful breathing technique used in yoga for stress relief and to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which ultimately allows your creative mind and your logical mind to work in complete harmony—giving you greater access to all of YOU.

want a step by step guide on HOW to do this?
-click this graphic below-

B Vitamins
B6, B12, niacin, thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid (B5), biotin, and folate (B9) are essential for energy, mood, and cognitive function. They all have specific benefits and unless you have tested to see which B vitamins you are deficient in, we typically recommend a high-quality B complex. Buyer beware, as not all B vitamins are created equally. We want them in a methylated form so that our body can fully utilize and reap the benefits. Want to know my favorite one? Just ask!

Vitamin E
This fat-soluble vitamin serves as both a vitamin and an antioxidant, which supports our brain, hormones, and heart. A 2007 study showing the benefits of vitamin E looked at a control group of menopausal women taking vitamin E for a period of 4 weeks. The results show a significant difference in the reduction of hot flashes in the group of women taking vitamin E when compared to those who were not.

I hope you’ve gleaned a better understanding of this later hormonal phase of life and gained a few new powerful natural tools you can consistently use to make this time in your life exceptional and more graceful.

my daily "good day protocol"

my daily "good day protocol"

Seize the Day with Gary’s Great Day Protocol

Have you ever woken up feeling unstoppable and ready to seize the day? Perhaps you know someone who radiates this energy and confidence at the crack of dawn. Whether you’re a morning person or not, there’s no denying that the first moments of your day are the most important.

Incorporating essential oils into your morning routine can amplify your intentions and enhance your feelings of confidence so you can start your day from a place of strength. Layering and blending specific oils in distinct ways can help cultivate the right mindset and manifest your goals .

That’s why Young Living founder, D. Gary Young, put together an empowering essential oil routine, Gary’s Great Day Protocol. Known for his vision and belief in pursuing that vision despite obstacles, there was never a goal too large or impossible for Gary to achieve. The four elevating oils in Gary’s Great Day Protocol embrace this sentiment, and when used together are a powerful way to start each day with intention and empowerment (not to mention, you’ll smell amazing).

It is within the daily rituals and nurturing of the inner self that cultivates the resilience and optimism we need to achieve our biggest dreams and seize the day!




Step 1: Valor

Place 1 drop of Valor on the inside of your left wrist. Place left wrist over the inside of your right wrist so that the insides of both wrists are touching and hold together for a moment to balance your body .

The powerful combination of ingredients in Valor deliver strengthening and refreshing qualities while soothing and balancing emotions, and simultaneously increasing feelings of strength, courage and self-esteem.


Step 2: Highest Potential

Place 1 drop of Highest Potential above your belly button to calm your mind and promote positive feelings.

Harnessing the uplifting and inspiring power of Blue Cypress and other pure essential oil scents, this blend helps you access and nurture the most profound version of your inner self.


Step 3: Joy

Place 1 drop of Joy above your heart to bring about feelings of happiness to your mind and body.

Create a joyful and happy aromatic experience with this uplifting blend of pure essential oils like Rose, Jasmine, Tangerine, Bergamot and others.


Step 4: White Angelica

Place 1 drop of White Angelica in your palms and rub together. Lightly brush hands over head, face, shoulders and body to uplift your spirits and protect your energies.

Lovingly harvested from plants native to exotic destinations around the world, the 10 essential oils in White Angelica come together to create a one-of-a-kind blend that inspires a positive atmosphere and feelings of security and optimism.


Obstacles and challenges are inevitable as you go after your dreams, but it’s important to remember that you have the power to make huge changes in your life. And those changes all begin with establishing a positive morning routine to start of each day with positivity!

*Note: Gary’s Great Day Protocol can be adapted as needed, based on your personal needs.

Have you or someone you know tried the oils in Gary’s Great Day Protocol? 

Share your experiences in the comments below and let us know how they worked for you!

WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PURE, essential oils with an education tribe?

If THE WELLNESS WELL tribe had a motto it would be “quality matters”.

So I like to source products and ingredients – food, beauty, home cleaning, personal care, etc – from companies that are in line with that same belief.

I source all my essential oils, supplements & wellness products from one trusted place – Young Living.

They never use fillers or add synthetic chemicals to their oils. So what you’re getting is only the good stuff – pure, potent, essential oils & over 600 lifestyle products!


Seed to Seal promise
Commitment to consumer safety (in-house & third party testing)
Radical ingredient transparency (ethical sourcing, trusted farms, full ingredient lists)

You can order your starter kit here & I’ll send you even more recipes and resources like these so you feel comfortable using all your oils!


Sign up as a Member – for 24% off retail prices (recommended) this does not mean you will ever have to sell anything, it just means you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices (just like Costco!) AND joining my deeper wellness education tribe!



Ningxia Red is a nutritional supplement drink from Young Living that is FULL of antioxidant rich foods and infused with essential oils. It is made up of 25% NingXia Wolfberry Puree. The puree includes the juice, pulp, and peel of the barriers which contain calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, riboflavin (B2), and Vit C.

Ningxia Red’s main ingredient and what it is really known for are the wolfberries or Chinese goji barriers. They grow naturally in regions of China and have been used in Chinese medicine for 5000 years. There are 17 different species of wolfberries alone but there is only one Ningxia wolfberry which grows in the NingXia Province of China and that is what Young Living uses in their NingXia Red! When I was researching the NingXia Wolfberry I found a fascinating piece that talked about the people that live in NingXia China. It said that they have 400% more people age 100+ y/o living in the Ningxia province than the rest of China. And these people live without canes to get around, glasses to see, and are overall very healthy. Just shows you how powerful this berry is and why we should all consume NingXia wolfberries daily.

By adding essential oils to the drink they have provided more nutritional support. The citrus oils are filled with D-Limonene which is another antioxidant that helps supports a lot of our body systems to give it that extra punch of goodness.

Antioxidants are measured by an ORAC level.

When Ningxia wolfberries were tested the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) results were astounding and one of the highest fruits on the chart.


1 oz of Ningxia Red has the antioxidant power of 100 oranges, 814 blueberries, 22 carrots, 10 lbs of spinach, 59 broccoli florets, 73 strawberries, 93 apples, 34 large onions, 55 lbs of almonds
  • 18 amino acids
  • <1 g protein
  • 22 trace minerals
  • 5 essential fatty acids
  • 7 mg of beta-carotene (180% of your daily Vit A requirements)
  • vitamins B1, B6, 100% of B2 (riboflavin)
  • 300% of your daily Vit C requirements
  • 90% vitamin E
  • 10% calcium
  • 24% potassium
  • 91% selenium
  • 18% zinc

*NingXia Red is Halal and Kosher certified*


  • Drink 1-2 ounces 2 times daily. Best served chilled. Shake well before use.
  • Blend NingXia Red into your smoothie, acai bowl, or morning juice as part of a quick, convenient breakfast.
  • Chill and serve NingXia Red to family and guests at gatherings and celebrations when you’re looking for a healthy alternative to sparkling drinks.*
  • Treat children to this tasty drink instead of sugary sodas or juice cocktails.
  • Combine with NingXia Nitro for a nourishing drink that also supports cognitive wellness.*
  • Add a drop or two of your favorite dietary essential oil for an extra flavor boost! Try Peppermint, Thieves, Cinnamon Bark, or Grapefruit.
  • Pop a packet in the freezer and serve as a popsicle.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Serving Size:: 1 fluid ounce (29.5 ml)

  • Calories: 20
  • Total Carbohydrates: 5 g
  • Dietary Fiber: < 1g
  • Sugars: 2g
  • Sodium: < 5mg


NingXia Red can be ordered in 750-ml bottle packs. Refrigerate after opening and consume within 30 days. Do not drink directly from the bottle. Do not use if the seal is broken.
2 oz. packets. Great for on the go and traveling.



29g Ningxia Wolfberry Puree (Lycium barbarum) – The wolfberries sourced for NingXia Red hail from the Ningxia province in northern China. This superfruit has one of the highest percentages of the fiber of any whole food and contains zeaxanthin—a carotenoid important to maintaining healthy vision. It also contains polysaccharides, amino acids, and symbiotic vitamin mineral pairs that when present together promote optimum internal absorption. By using whole wolfberry puree—juice, peel, seeds, and fruit—Young Living is able to maintain more of the desired health-supporting benefits in every bottle of NingXia Red*.

Blueberry Juice Concentrate (Vaccinium corymbosum) – combat aging and support digestion and are full of antioxidants.The blueberry’s fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and phytonutrient content, coupled with its lack of cholesterol, all support heart health.

Plum Juice Concentrate (Prunus domestica) – High in antioxidants, Vitamin C and Vitamin A and beta-carotene. Health benefiting compounds present in the plums such as dietary fiber, sorbitol, and isatin has been known to help support the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Plums are plentiful in minerals like potassium, fluoride, and iron and are moderate sources in B-complex groups of vitamins such as niacin, vitamin B-6, and pantothenic acid

Cherry Juice Concentrate (Prunus avium) – As “America’s super fruit,” cherries offer the vital nutrition for a long and healthy life. Eating cherries leads to a boost in antioxidant activity in the body. Beyond antioxidants, cherries are the only natural source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s internal clock and sleep-wake cycles.

Aronia Juice Concentrate (Aronia melanocarpa) – packed with nutrients and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and anthocyanins.

Pomegranate Juice Concentrate (Punica granatum) – A rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, not to mention fiber.


50mg Grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract – Vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs are highly concentrated in grape seeds

  • Orange EO (Citrus sinensis)
  • Yuzu EO (Citrus junos)
  • Lemon EO (Citrus limon)
  • Tangerine EO (Citrus reticulata)


Tartaric acid – The acid also plays a major role in wine-making where it is used during the fermentation process for acidity adjustments to make for a more palate-pleasing taste. The acid can also be used as a natural preservative for things like soft drinks, fruit juices, candies and certain types of jams.

natural blueberry flavor

pure vanilla extract – for flavor

Malic acid – a component of almost all fruits — is commonly used as a food additive and preservative, but has several potential benefits. Great for boosting energy and maintaining healthy skin.

Pectin – is a form of soluble fiber, which draws water from your digestive tract and forms a gel, helping to slow digestion.

Sodium benzoate – Naturally found in fruits such as apples. Fruits produce it to prevent fermentation and spoiling. There is .00025% of Sodium Benzoate in NingXia Red. Far below the safe for consumption range and well below the legal limit of even having to label it on the package. The fact that Young Living includes it in the ingredient list when they don’t have to, shows how transparent Young Living is. It is required by law to have Sodium Benzoate in this product.

natural stevia extract – is a sweetener and sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana. Has up to 150 times the sweetness of sugar.




  • 1 cup NingXia Red
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons agar powder (gelatin alternative)
  • 4 teaspoons honey
  • 3 drops Grapefruit Vitality essential oil
  • 3 drops Lime Vitality essential oil
  • Silicon molds


  1. Combine the NingXia Red, agar powder, and honey in a saucepan. Mix with a metal spoon until fully dissolved and heat on medium-high.
  2. Once boiling, remove from heat immediately and stir in the essential oils. Taste for sweetness. The mixture should be almost too sweet since the flavors will mellow during cooling.
  3. Pour the mixture into silicone molds.
  4. Let your molds cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour until set.
  5. Keep leftovers in the fridge or a cool place.
  6. Enjoy!

Check out the Young Living Blog for full details and video.

NingXia Red Morning Smoothie

  • 1-2 oz NingXia Red
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • a handful of spinach
  • 1 drop of Lemon Vitality essential oil
  • 8 oz coconut water. (adjust depending on thickness preference)


how to choose your supplements :: so they actually work

how to choose your supplements :: so they actually work
I have tried every supplement under the sun.  For real.  At the beginning I just bought what "people" told me to buy... I thought all supplements were created equally, so I always went for the cheapest.
Newsflash.. not all supplements are created equally & its so important to know if and how they are actually absorbing into your system!  Most do not and you are literally flushing them down the toilet!  It only took me a decade to learn this, so let me save you time & money with what I have learned from trial & error!
"Bioavailability is the amount of a given nutrient in food, medications and supplements that is absorbed in the intestines and ultimately available for biological activity in your cells and tissues."
I choose Young Living because I know their process of making the supplements, the science and the heart for quality is unsurpassed.  I have been to the farms where they grow their plants, I have walked through the distillation process, seen with my own eyes the transparency of their company.  My families wellness along with my own are worth the investment now instead of a larger investment in the future when our bodies are burdened with toxic overload and have not been supported to the best of my ability. It matters.

In a nutshell, the essential oils in the supplement make the nutrients more bioavailable in the body. Studies show that with the essential oils, these supplements have an 80% absorption rate in the body vs. only 30% for most other supplements out there.  That is a whopping 50% increase! This tells me you get way more bang for your buck and the supplements will be that much more effective!  I choose Young Living Supplements & have seen huge improvements not only in my body but my whole families! 
D. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils.
Essential oils help increase the assimilation (absorption) of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!
So... The bottom line is that you should 100% be taking Young Living’s supplements over your store bought ones! Start making the switch with an easy one like your Probiotic and get that into your Essential Rewards cart stat!

In research done on liquid minerals (the best form for absorption), participants were found to have adverse effects on the liquid minerals without essential oils, whereas those effects were completely eliminated with the addition of essential oils. This plus the additional increase in synergy and bioavailability makes mineral supplements like Young Living's Mineral Essence much more effective than other mineral supplements on the market.

Here's another example: Before putting essential oils in Young Living's MultiGreens supplement, there was a 42% absorption of the nutrients in 24 hours. With the addition of YL essential oils, blood absorption increased to 64% in 30 minutes and 86% in one hour.  What?

If you want to get the most for your money and the most nutrients and health benefits possible for your body,

 look into Young Living's vast supplements, they have so many!

I offer a 28 day challenge, where you will learn even more about Young Living supplements & have accountability while consistently using my top 3 supplements!


If THE WELLNESS WELL tribe had a motto it would be “quality matters”.

So I like to source products and ingredients – food, beauty, home cleaning, personal care, etc – from companies that are in line with that same belief.

I source all my essential oils, supplements & wellness products from one trusted place – Young Living.

They never use fillers or add synthetic chemicals in their oils. So what you’re getting is only the good stuff – pure, potent, essential oils & over 600 lifestyle products!


Seed to Seal promise
Commitment to consumer safety (in-house & third party testing)
Radical ingredient transparency (ethical sourcing, trusted farms, full ingredient lists)

You can order your starter kit here & I’ll send you even more recipes and resources like these so you feel comfortable using all your oils!

Sign up as a Member – for 24% off retail prices (recommended) this does not mean you will ever have to sell anything, it just means you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices (just like Costco!) AND joining my deeper wellness education tribe!

Cultivating peace in your body + my favorite diffuser blend

YOU ALREADY KNOW the benefits of seasonal, monthly, even weekly cleanses…but what about ways to detox daily? The small, consistent changes are always what make the most impact in the long run, whether it’s a workout schedule or a skincare routine. And it’s the same with detoxification.

What we do in the morning sets the tone for the whole day. And if you’ve ever overslept, you know exactly how true this statement is. Mornings can be rough; it’s easy to rely on sugar and caffeine to energize you, which only wreaks havoc on your digestive system and exacerbates fluctuating energy levels and moods. If you’ve ever wanted a do-over before 9 a.m., start your day right – and keep it on the right track – with these 6 simple ways to detox your body naturally each and every day.


Are those nine extra minutes the snooze button gives you ever really worth it? Get out of bed when you first wake up and start your day already—especially since the two hours after we awake are potentially the most productive of our entire day. Running late or feeling rushed in the morning only adds to anxiety and fatigue, and can cause us to turn to coffee and sugary snacks to get through the rest of the day. Side note: I’m a big fan of showering at night in order to avoid dawdling in the morning (at which I am a pro).


Lemon Digestive Aid Water or Lemon Cleanse Water is a great way to stimulate digestion, release toxins from the liver, jumpstarts your digestive enzymes and give your body a vitamin C boost. Try adding a pinch of sea salt or raw, organic apple cider vinegar for even more detoxing effects.

NOTE: If you feel nauseous or experience tightness in the chest after drinking the morning lemon elixir, omit the raw apple cider vinegar. This reaction can occur from the body’s releasing of bacteria and toxins during detox. Continue to drink the lemon elixir, omitting the Bragg’s (or use only ½ teaspoon) for at least three days, and then reintroduce it. If the reactions continue upon reintroduction, continue to drink only the lemon water


By tongue scraping every morning, you remove bacteria that can lead to poor digestion and liver stagnation. Brush your teeth before you tongue-scrape. Then use a tongue scraper or a spoon to reach as far back as possible and pull forward, scraping off the white film, which is candida and streptococcus mutans.


Dry skin brushing improves lymphatic drainage, reduces cellulite, promotes digestion and supports detoxification. You can purchase a skin brush on Amazon, or simply use a dry towel. Gently brush in a circular motion, always moving from the extremities towards the heart, thereby improving blood flow to the heart. Use counter-clockwise strokes on your belly to improve detoxification.


Oil pulling has been a common detoxification practice for centuries and can be done with coconut, sesame or olive oil. Oil pulling should be done on an empty stomach to ensure maximum benefit. The best times are upon rising and before bed.


Probiotics (healthy bacteria) regulate and restore your intestines’ natural balance, and studies have shown they can help rid the body of heavy metals, free radicals and dangerous bacteria. 

Simply start with 3 of these detox rhythms today!


Your favorite candle scent – minus the synthetic fragrances and paraffin wax! This essential oil diffuser blend is scented with sugared citrus, light florals, and a hint of woodsy greens. OBSESSED!


There’s two ways to make this blend – a shortcut way with 3 gorgeous oils and a luxe version that uses 5 oils. I’m sharing both diffuser recipes here. So whether you’re brand new to EOs or already have a growing collection – you can make this blend!

This is such an easy swap if you love how Anthropologie smells but aren’t down with paraffin wax + synthetic fragrances in your home. Which btw. I checked with both Anthro + the candle manufacturer (Capri Blue) and was bummed to see this well-loved candle had BOTH in it.

It’s totally possible to make your home smell amazing, the natural way. My advice? Skip all the legwork involved in contacting candle companies about what’s in their wax blends, what their wicks are made of, and if their scents are naturally derived (or not). And just go straight for the simplest switch. Diffusers with essential oils. If you’re using pure, quality oils then you can rest easy knowing you’re using just 2 ingredients – water and oils.

The best part of using EO’s instead of candles is having control over the scent! You can make it sweeter, more or less woodsy, floral, earthy, simple, complex, strong scented or more subtle. 

three essential oil bottles on a cake stand


Both of these blends have that sugared citrus, lightly floral, hint of woodsy greens vibe that we all know & love in those candles. With slight differences. The 3-oil blend is sweeter, more sugared citrus. The 5-oil blend is more floral and nuanced.

Fully obsessed + you’ll find us diffusing this blend a LOT in our house. Here’s some ideas for EO swaps you can make and how to customize this blend into your dream candle scent:

  • Swap Tangerine for Orange if you want a sweeter citrus note
  • Use Idaho Blue Spruce in place of Northern Lights Black Spruce – I alternate depending on what’s in stock, or try adding Pine for more classically woodsy scent
  • Add more Valor to play up the “sugared” citrus note
  • Add more Grapefruit if you like a brighter, crisp, clean citrus vibe
  • Add Lime if you want it to be more tropical
  • Add a few drops of Stress Away to add a vanilla note
  • Add Lemon if you want a fuller citrus scent
  • https://www.freeyourfork.com/anthro-volcano-candle-diffuser-blend/
five essential oils with hand holding lime bottle


If THE WELLNESS WELL tribe had a motto it would be “quality matters”.

So I like to source products and ingredients – food, beauty, home cleaning, personal care, etc – from companies that are in line with that same belief.

I source all my essential oils from one trusted place – Young Living. They never use fillers or add synthetic chemicals in their oils. So what you’re getting is only the good stuff – pure, potent, essential oils. 

I really dig their:

  • Seed to Seal promise
  • Commitment to consumer safety (in-house and third party testing)
  • Radical ingredient transparency (ethical sourcing, trusted farms, full ingredient lists)

You can order your starter kit here & I’ll send you even more recipes and resources like these so you feel comfortable using all your oils!

Sign up as a Member – for 24% off retail prices (recommended) this does not mean you will ever have to sell anything, it just means you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices (just like Costco!) AND joining my deeper wellness education tribe!

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