my favorite immune boosting DIY :: nose swipe with young living oils

my favorite immune boosting  DIY :: nose swipe with young living oils

We love supporting our immune system + I want to share with you my favorite + easiest ways to support my family.

We use this nose swipe any time we leave the house, especially in the winter or when we will be around large crowds (hello mask wearing)!

This Nose Swipe Cream is so easy and it takes minutes to make and you only need 3 simple ingredients!


-a small container (you can use something like these or I like to use an empty Young Living Rose Ointment empty container).


-Rose Ointment by Young Living

-Exodus II essential oil blend by Young Living

-Egyptian Gold essential oil blend by Young Living (3 Wise Men essential oil blend is a good alternative if you don’t have this one)


-Scoop out enough Rose Ointment to fill your container. I like to use a small knife or even a skewer stick to mix it up and soften it. It is very firm right out of the container but the more you mix, the softer it will get. 

-Now it is time to mix in your oils. (I use about 10 drops of each oil blend in my container)

How to use:

Simply swipe the edge of your nose with this cream each day! We like to keep it in the car and use it as we are heading out.


If THE WELLNESS WELL tribe had a motto it would be “quality matters”.

So I like to source products and ingredients – food, beauty, home cleaning, personal care, etc – from companies that are in line with that same belief.

I source all my essential oils, supplements & wellness products from one trusted place – Young Living.

They never use fillers or add synthetic chemicals in their oils. So what you’re getting is only the good stuff – pure, potent, essential oils & over 600 lifestyle products!


Seed to Seal promise
Commitment to consumer safety (in-house & third party testing)
Radical ingredient transparency (ethical sourcing, trusted farms, full ingredient lists)

You can order your starter kit here & I’ll send you even more recipes and resources like these so you feel comfortable using all your oils


Sign up as a Member – for 24% off retail prices (recommended) this does not mean you will ever have to sell anything, it just means you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices (just like Costco!) AND joining my deeper wellness education tribe!

When you sign up as a wholesale member, you have the option of joining our private wellness group on facebook, which is where you can learn everything you need to know about using your oils & connect with an amazing, inspiring community.  If you are interested in selling the oils and sharing about the company I am passionate about helping women earn income to help support their families! We have monthly business bootcamps & provide mentorship to everyone who joins our tribe!

You can follow me on Instagram @the.wellness.well as I share more of our daily life in Hawaii, my health journey with hormone imbalance & choosing to live a clean lifestyle!

 That is just a start of what I have been using Young Living for! 


What do we use oils for? For just about everything!! Whether you are looking for oils to help support your sleep, for natural immune system support, for energy support, for focus, for relaxation, for your kids, for natural alternatives to cleaning products, the list is endless, there is an oil/product for that!! And you will learn along the way, there aren’t hard set rules, but part of joining our oils tribe is that you get access to the most amazing resources & our private facebook community.

Why Young Living? YL has an unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity & potency of every oil. Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability & they are so confident in their products that you can actually visit the farms & participate in the harvest/distillation process.

How do we use oils? You can diffuse them (you get a diffuser in your starter kit!) which is great for making your house smell great, helping your babies or kids relax at night for bed, getting rid of unwanted odors in the house & more, you can apply topically (some require a carrier oil like coconut oil, you’ll learn all about that later!), you can make rollerball combos, creams, sprays, and just about anything!!

How will I learn how to use my kit? You’ll get plenty of reading material with your kit, but as mentioned above, you’ll get access to our exclusive facebook community full of amazing resources like how to use each oil in your kit, which oils to be wise around with kids or while pregnant/nursing, and all of the dilution ratios for individual oils. We have classes, books, live facebook hangouts & search functionality that will help you navigate through any questions you might have.

What should I get? A premium starter kit, which comes with 12 of the most commonly used oils + your diffuser (I LOVE my aria diffuser) is the best value & provides you with everything you need to get started. You’ll get over $300 worth of product for only $165.

Do you have to order more oils monthly or sell them? Nope! Your kit can be a one time purchase, but along with it comes a wholesale membership, which just means that should you decide to purchase any of young living over 600 lifestyle products in the future, you would get a 24% discount! You will also get a personal referral link so when your mama wants a kit, you get a no strings attached $50. thank you check from Young Living! But neither is required.

ORDER HERE & make sure the number 1833281  appears in both the “Enroller” & “Sponsor ID” fields.

& then wait for a welcome gift curated but ME!

Affiliate Notice:

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product through an Amazon link or any other link provided in this post, we may receive a small commission to support blog expenses at no additional expense to you. For more information, see our Privacy Policy. All opinions expressed are our own. Thank you for your support!

Are you addicted to dryer sheets?! The 12 chemicals that will make you want to break up with them!

The Scary Truth About Chemicals in Dryer Sheets & Fabric Softeners

Of the 3-10 gallons of toxic household cleaning products in a home, the chemicals in dryer sheets and fabric softeners are considered to be among the most toxic. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets are made up of pernicious chemicals combined with a hefty dose of fragrance. The fragrance chemicals are particularly difficult to remove because they have been designed to cling dearly to fabric so the signature scent stays in the clothing. This is called “fragrance substantivity,” which describes how long a fragrance lasts on a particular surface and how it is affected by temperature, humidity, and other conditions.

Lingering chemical residues in the clothes enter the body through the skin, which is tantamount to eating them! Many of these compounds are solvents that directly affect the nervous system and endocrine systemand can contribute to the development of chronic illness. Since the term “fragrance” on a label can mean up to hundreds of synthetic chemicals, the body is provided a cocktail of poison 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of this issue because their constant exposure to these chemicals makes it impossible for them to realize the impact it makes on their health. Not to mention the health of those around them! The non-stop exposure has dulled their sense of smell as a warning mechanism, their ability to perceive the specific fragrance in many cases is lost, or they actually get a high and crave the smell of the clothing.

Of 171 they studied, the Environmental Working Group gives 83.33% of fabric softeners a D or F rating.

The fact that your fabric softener may be under a counter and only used occasionally is bad enough, since the chemicals in the bottles and boxes are off-gassing into your living environment. But the truth is, these chemicals are accompanying you day and night through your skin and your lungs as you wear your clothes and sleep in your sheets. That’s why using fabric softeners, dryer sheets or even laundry detergent with fragrance are such dangerous health offenders. Once you start using them, they seem practically inescapable!

Live Life Clean Tip: if you can smell detergents, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets in the laundry room when you’re not using them, that’s a sign that they’re off-gassing chemicals and degrading your indoor air quality.

12 Reasons to Get Rid of Your Fabric Softeners and Dryer Sheets

These are just a few of the toxic chemicals in commercial dryer sheets and liquid fabric softeners! Note, this list doesn’t include the synthetic fragrances that are added to these products!

amazing education RESOURCE

-my why & forced wellness journey-

-my why & forced wellness journey-

My health journey began fall of 2007 when I was a few months out to my wedding... what does every good Christian girl do? She goes and gets on birth control. Duh. No biggie.  I went in to a doctor, asked for birth control, she prescribed something & I went on my way. No questions or concerns. Within the month of getting on them I gained 10 pounds (I knew that might happen so I wasn't too concerned) and then I started feeling off. Like crawl out of my skin, off. On our honeymoon I decided I was done.


With each month after I got off of birth control I continued to gain about 10 pounds for almost a year. Um, not ok.   After a year of this battle I found out I was insulin resistant, estrogen dominant, too low in testosterone and progesterone and my cortisol and adrenal glands were completely wacked out. On top of all that I  was now battling depression, major anxiety and feeling like I was living in someone else's body with no answers on how to "fix it". One of the any doctorsI went to couldn't understand how I was sitting in her room upright, after looking at my blood work.


For years, I felt helpless inside my own body. 

 I battled depression, major brain fog, terrible insomnia, extreme weight gain &

fatigue when just breathing felt too much most days.

Up until this point in my life I had never really struggled with weight. I was tall, skinny and loved to eat. I lived for food with no consequences. I loved going to the gym and working out and I was studying to be a physical trainer right before I met my hubby.

This threw me a huge curve ball I never wanted. 


I have done everything under the sun from diet, cleanse, supplement, doctor, naturopath and chiropractor to help heal my body, to make it right.  I have also spent waaaaay too much money in the attempt to heal myself.  I had to become my own advocate and do the research my doctors were not willing to do. I was once told I was depressed because I was fat and I "should just loose weight".

At that time, I was training for a triathlon eating clean yet kept gaining.. Sorry doctor, try again.


Ultimately I trust that the healing of my hormones and my body is in the Lords hands, my great physician. I have had to hold the tension between trusting His provision on this journey & doing all I can without being all consumed by it.

I have failed more than succeeded at that BUT I have learned so much in each season. 


My story is mine. I claim the times I have given up, felt defeated, and honestly wanted my old self back and treated my body like it could handle it. After having my youngest, 5 years ago I felt a renewed hope in this journey which is when I started THE WELLENSS WELL and my attempt to THRIVE & simply feel better. I was done circling that mountain and decided it was time to head north!  I am determined to be the best me. I have no clue what that looks like for me and that's ok (as I repeat that to myself) I want to make wise choices because its wise, not because it's guaranteed I will get certain results. It feels like an uphill battle with this body of mine.


Even as I was learning how to integrate more holistic and “modern day hippie” habits into my life, I was hit multiple times a day with terrifying panic that overtook my senses, extreme weight gain, brain fog and hormonal dragon like senses that no one in my family appreciated.  It was crushing. 

One day, I was introduced to a few products that a lot of people are talking about lately.


To be honest, I’d considered it before, but I was skeptical. I’m not really into “fads.” If you know the enneagram, I’m a wholehearted “4”.

I refuse to be like others just for the sake of it.

This time, I knew the company who made it and trusted the source— so I tried it, I had nothing to loose.

Now, my life is dramatically different. I used to have to put on a face and pretend that I didn’t feel like I was dying inside. 


Now, I’m fearless. And I’m on a mission to help a whole lot of women  break free & empower themselves with the knowledge and resources I’ve worked so hard to get myself. 

Come join our group of fearless mamas and learn how you can find freedom with the knowledge & information we share in our exclusive community. 


do you have hormonal imbalance?

Could a symptom you’re experiencing be due to a hormonal imbalance?

If you’re wondering how to know if you have a hormonal imbalance, it may help to know some of the most common symptoms associated with hormonal issues, take this super quick quiz I created to help you out.. it's simply a stepping stone.. I am here for you all the way!

My wellness journey began because of toxic burden overload on my body due to birth control- which is sadly all too common.  But for others they end up in the same place as me but because of common household products (cleaners, air fresheners, cosmetics).  It all adds up in the body the same, I had no clue of this 13 years ago.

I was a bath and body, candle sniffing, MAC wearing 20 year old.  I lived carefree and without consequences of what I put ON or IN my body... and then over a matter of a month it all changed.

I was forced into this wellness journey I NEVER wanted or cared about.  Wellness to me was calorie counting when I "needed" to drop the "extra 5" and going to the gym while sipping on a Red Bull.

I was training to be a personal trainer because I loved lifting weights, being strong and it came so easy to me.  I loved helping people in this aspect of health.

3 months before my wedding, I chose to get on birth control, a decision that can still get me in the gut, if I let it.  It was a flippant choice.  I didn't recognize or honor my body & all I was giving it to process.  On top of that I was unknowingly putting on over 300 chemicals on & in my body before breakfast time.  No clue..

Within a month of being on birth control I was a raging, PMSing, soon to be bride. I was becoming depressed, suffering from extreme weight gain, which had never been an issue for me. My cravings were  for FOR REAL and with foggy brain, insomnia and extreme fatigue I was miserable to say the least.nI felt completely helpless at the age of 20 in a season that was supposed t be exiting and a new adventure.  All I wanted to do was crawl into a hole.

I went through years of doctors, tests, more doctors, diets, cleanses & supplements— you name it, I have done it.  The journey began slow, it began in a new doctors office, where he placed me on Wellbutrin (thinking I was depressed which is why I was feeling moody & gaining weight).  Needless to say, it didn't work.

I ended up having to be my own advocate because I left most of the doctors scratching their heads... I just wanted to know what the root cause was.

This was the beginning of being forced into my wellness journey.   Whole body wellness was not always a passion, I didn't even know this type of wellness existed.

After years of trying everything, wasting so much money and seeing no lasting results I finally have found things that support me better than anything. Praise Jesus.

After years of deep insomnia (melatonin wouldn’t touch it) I took a supplement that actually made me FEEL tired, a feeling I didn’t realize I missed. For so long I would go to bed “wired and tired”.

After using a few things, I wasn’t sure if I saw or felt  a difference & I decided to not buy them again to save money— well my body quickly told me it was not happy about that.

Sometimes you don’t notice the slight changes until you stop supporting your body with it.

Needless to say there are certain non negotiable for me and my body support.

I am finally sleeping WELL, feeling tired at night. The extreme weight gain has stopped!! My Pms is now super mild or non existent. I now have more energy to get through the day as a mama of 3. And my cravings are in control!

I am still on a wellness journey, still have weight to loose and stress to let go- but man, I feel 80% better than I did even 5 years ago. I am so thankful & only want to help support other women in their journey. I want to be a shoulder to cry on and an easy button to hit for all things wellness. A place where women can soak up all the years of research & use it for their Benefit!

This blog is going to be a place where I open up a little more about my struggles with living in the world of wellness & yet not looking the part... of still having struggles, & of not “arriving” yet.  I feel so unauthentic most times, sharing what I know & how I live when you could easily look at me, and question my knowledge & impact by my weight and appearance.  I get it.  That was me over a decade ago.  I judged & didn't condor their deeper story.  I had never struggled with weight, or hormones or anything “off” and so it was a simple equation, "calories in, calories out."  I call bullsh*t on that real quick now.  I have learned so much, that’s not the truth. Everyone is created so intricately, is different.  What works for you may not work for me and vice versa.  The Lord never intended that.

My heart beats strong to empower tired and overwhelmed women, who struggle with hormones. my desire is that they can learn how to take control of their health and sanity in a healthy, natural way.

My heart also beats to empower the woman who has yet to struggle with hormones, or have yet to deal with over burdened bodies due to the daily toxins they unknowingly put ON & IN their bodes--there is so much education that can be done!

The “before” me is the young woman who has yet to struggle with hormone imbalance, weight gain or uncontrollable weight gain and toxic body overload.  She is one I want to take under my wing and teach alll the things I wished I would have known at 20. All the things I have learned researching over a decade.  I want to teach them so that hopefully they can be empowered & equipped to make informed decisions with their health and as they move into a season of being the gatekeeper of their own home. Maybe, they can avoid some of the toxic overload on their bodies.

My heart beats for the “seasoned” woman, where I am now, to support, to be a shoulder to cry on in seasons of frustration & confusion when their body seems to be agains them.  To be a source of knowledge to help in the season of “my body seems to be rebelling against me”, like they are a foreigner in an unknown land.

There is so much education I have consumed for myself over the years,  as I have had to be my biggest advocate. I want to share that, walk with and encourage as they allow their bodies to heal at its peaceful pace.

That is where my healthy hormone rhythm collective comes in-

I pour my whole heart + education onto the ones that need it:

-join this free group by clicking the button above-

...and here’s the thing, EVERY women WILL need this Information I have. So look around.. check out the units section.. if you don’t find the answer to your question, feel free to reach out. I would love to help you find it.

WHY my family can't quit using essential oils + HOW we use them everyday!

WHY my family can't quit using essential oils + HOW we use them everyday!

I started using Essential Oils simply because my mama visited with her new brand starter kit, raved about it, and I had birthday money! Six years later it was one of the best unexpected blessing to our family.

I had never really thought about essential oils even though I had already been on a wellness journey for a few years due to an imbalance of hormones triggered by birth control.

I had focused so much on what I put IN my body and MOVING my body (weight gain was a HUGE symptom for me with my hormones out of wack!)

I had never thought of it mattering what I put ON my body and IN my body in the way of fragrances and common household toxins.

To be completely honest, when I first got my starter kit I kept forgetting to use it, out of sight, out of mind!  I was overwhelmed and also didn't want to "waste" the kit, I knew it was an investment and I had no clue how to use it!

There were so many times in the first year of getting my starter kit, I would forget to use it when we got sick or could have used the support for emotions etc.  It wasn't until we would be on the other side of a sickness I would think about pulling out my oils!  It just wasn't habit.

I grew up on pop tarts, Totino's pizza + antibiotics.
This wellness journey has been a learning journey for me, and sometimes I am a slow learner.

*TIP: when you get your starter kit, set it out on the counter so you can see it!

I also am OVER THE MOON excited about the emotional + hormonal support essential oils/ supplements that have been a GAME CHANGER for my cycle and motherhood!

Favorite Ways I use Young Living for....

-Kiddos sleepy routine-

 Every night we (the kiddos know what to do) fill up their diffuser and add about 4 drops of Lavender Oil and and 4 drops Peace & Calming  (smells so dreamy). Or we love the Sleepyize blend which makes ME want to fall asleep putting them down.  I also have rollerballs of Valor (amazing support when kids are too anxious to fall asleep) and peace & Calming. I will rub them on the kids feet, their wrist and a little on their spine and give them a tiny massage, or they will simply open the bottle up and smell it while laying bed.

Lavender is a herb that is widely known to help with nervousness, anxiety, stress, and sleeplessness. It doesn’t make you sleepy like taking a sleeping pill would, but what it does do is help take the edge off of sleeplessness.

-Face Oil + Moisturizer-

Glow Serum, my face is obsessed with this!

You can make it two ways:

One way in a roller bottle so I can just roll it on my cheekbones when I want a little glow after putting my makeup on. The other way I make it is in a little dropper and drop a few drops into the palm of my hand and rub it all over my face like a moisturizer.

You can literally get rid of ALL of your moisturizers and just use this (plus sunscreen). All you need is Frankincense and Copaiba Essential Oils, both come in your starter kit (see info at the end of this post).

I also have been applying Frankincense directly to a pimple or fine lines! DO IT! 

I highly recommend using the Think Dirty App to identify the potential risks associated with the personal care products you use everyday, this is where I started.

If you want my 2 favorite recipes, go HERE to grab them!

Frankincense- Anti-Aging & Wrinkle Fighting supporter. Frankincense essential oil is a powerful astringent, meaning it helps protect skin cells. It can be used to help support acne blemishes, the appearance of large pores, prevent wrinkles, and it even helps lift and tighten skin to naturally slow signs of aging.

-Immune Boost-

When my wonderful doctor prescribed me Thieves + Frankincense to help boost our whole families immune system during a season of sickness, that was a GAME CHANGER, especially Frank down the spine!!  We also rub the roller bottle on the bottom of our feet each morning, then put their socks on. I have read that the main thing with oils is consistency and its so true!


We use a detangler almost everyday for my girl. I was excited to find a recipe to make my own that is non-toxic and also has health benefits. I Young Living Lavender Mint Conditioner, combined with distilled water and Essential Oils.


I have used just vinegar and water for YEARS and years and HATED the smell.  Now I use Thieves and add in whatever essential oils to make it smell the way I want it to!   Thieves also has liquid hand soap, laundry detergent and more that I have been using (and love, again, super budget friendly!)

-Essential Oils for Wool Dryer Balls-

After I did some research we quickly got rid of all dryer sheets and fabric softeners from our house. I use THESE Wool Dryer Balls and I add a couple drops of Lavender, Purification or Thieves Essential Oils to each ball. Make sure the oil absorbs in before tossing in with your clothes. If you deal with your clothes still being staticky, that is due to over-drying. So decrease your drying time.  If you still have an issue you attach a safety pin to your dryer balls or some toss in a ball of tinfoil, problem solved!


We have completely gotten away from candles because of how toxic they are, I was so frustrated to learn this.  The money I wasted on candles was ridiculous AND it was harming out bodies.

The problem is that I just LOVE, like really LOVEEEEEEE the ambiance that candles add. I am an enneagram 4, so yea, I love my environment to be cozy. I gave a diffuser a go, I had nothing to loose. I cannot imagine life without my diffusers now!  I put one in every single room in our home, for real.

My favorite thing about the diffusers we have is that they have lights inside, like a soft lamp!

You can diffuse whatever you are needing- calm, energy, headache relief, help relive a cough and more. There is even a combo to duplicate my favorite Anthropologie candle- the Volcano. And I made sure to get diffusers for the kids rooms that they are a diffuser and humidifier combo. One of my favorites to diffuse is just Peace & Calming Essential Oil. It smells so good and it has helps ALL OF US to relax. I used to diffuse it before the kids get home from school and the homework, but now its going all the time with them home!


If THE WELLNESS WELL tribe had a motto it would be “quality matters”.

So I like to source products and ingredients – food, beauty, home cleaning, personal care, etc – from companies that are in line with that same belief.

I source all my essential oils, supplements & wellness products from one trusted place – Young Living.

They never use fillers or add synthetic chemicals in their oils. So what you’re getting is only the good stuff – pure, potent, essential oils & over 600 lifestyle products!


Seed to Seal promise
Commitment to consumer safety (in-house & third party testing)
Radical ingredient transparency (ethical sourcing, trusted farms, full ingredient lists)

You can order your starter kit here & I’ll send you even more recipes and resources like these so you feel comfortable using all your oils


Sign up as a Member – for 24% off retail prices (recommended) this does not mean you will ever have to sell anything, it just means you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices (just like Costco!) AND joining my deeper wellness education tribe!

When you sign up as a wholesale member, you have the option of joining our private wellness group on facebook, which is where you can learn everything you need to know about using your oils & connect with an amazing, inspiring community.  If you are interested in selling the oils and sharing about the company I am passionate about helping women earn income to help support their families! We have monthly business bootcamps & provide mentorship to everyone who joins our tribe!

You can follow me on Instagram @the.wellness.well as I share more of our daily life in Hawaii, my health journey with hormone imbalance & choosing to live a clean lifestyle!

 That is just a start of what I have been using Young Living for! 


What do we use oils for? For just about everything!! Whether you are looking for oils to help support your sleep, for natural immune system support, for energy support, for focus, for relaxation, for your kids, for natural alternatives to cleaning products, the list is endless, there is an oil/product for that!! And you will learn along the way, there aren’t hard set rules, but part of joining our oils tribe is that you get access to the most amazing resources & our private facebook community.

Why Young Living? YL has an unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity & potency of every oil. Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability & they are so confident in their products that you can actually visit the farms & participate in the harvest/distillation process.

How do we use oils? You can diffuse them (you get a diffuser in your starter kit!) which is great for making your house smell great, helping your babies or kids relax at night for bed, getting rid of unwanted odors in the house & more, you can apply topically (some require a carrier oil like coconut oil, you’ll learn all about that later!), you can make rollerball combos, creams, sprays, and just about anything!!

How will I learn how to use my kit? You’ll get plenty of reading material with your kit, but as mentioned above, you’ll get access to our exclusive facebook community full of amazing resources like how to use each oil in your kit, which oils to be wise around with kids or while pregnant/nursing, and all of the dilution ratios for individual oils. We have classes, books, live facebook hangouts & search functionality that will help you navigate through any questions you might have.

What should I get? A premium starter kit, which comes with 12 of the most commonly used oils + your diffuser (I LOVE my aria diffuser) is the best value & provides you with everything you need to get started. You’ll get over $300 worth of product for only $165.

Do you have to order more oils monthly or sell them? Nope! Your kit can be a one time purchase, but along with it comes a wholesale membership, which just means that should you decide to purchase any of young living over 600 lifestyle products in the future, you would get a 24% discount! You will also get a personal referral link so when your mama wants a kit, you get a no strings attached $50. thank you check from Young Living! But neither is required.

ORDER HERE & make sure the number 1833281  appears in both the “Enroller” & “Sponsor ID” fields.

& then wait for a welcome gift curated but ME!

 Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.

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