Triple a Bottle of Thieves Mouthwash
Our families deserve more than chemical mouthwashes with neon artificial coloring that are clearly labeled, “do not swallow!” Typical store-bought mouthwash is loaded with chemicals, alcohol and artificial coloring.  They have some pretty scary labels warning you not to swallow and to get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away if you should accidentally.  Yikes!  I don’t want those scary chemicals around my family.

I love the benefits of having an all-natural mouthwash and knowing that it doesn’t have any chemicals or artificial colors.  My favorite is Thieves mouthwash because it has Young Living essential oils, it’s safe, if swallowed you don’t have to call poison control, it’s cinna-minty fresh and provides excellent oral care for my family.  Check out some of these impressive ingredients:

Deionized Water, Peppermint Oil, Clove Flower Bud Oil, Spearmint Leaf Oil, Lemon Peel Oil, Cinnamon Bark Oil, Vetiver Root Oil, Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary Leaf Oil, Vitamin E, Colloidal Silver…
My husband loves to use Thieves mouthwash too and he likes to use plenty of it with each gargle!  In fact, he uses so much of it that we would run out every month before my next Essential Rewards order. We only ran out by a few days, so I started experimenting to come up with a way of extending the amount we get out of a bottle.  I’ve come up with a recipe that is the equivalent of about 3 bottles of the Thieves mouthwash for not much more than the price of one.  Here’s what you will need:
  • 1 Bottle of Thieves Mouthwash
  • 1 beautiful, up-cycled wine bottle or an empty NingXia Red bottle
  • Distilled water
  • 5 drops of Thieves essential oil
  • 5 drops of Spearmint essential oil
  • 2 drops of Cinnamon bark essential oil
Carefully pour your mouthwash into the bottle and top off with distilled water, leaving room for the essential oils.  As you can see, I filled the bottle just up to the neck of the bottle.  Add your essential oils.  Shake before each use.
I really can’t tell a measurable difference in taste between this recipe and the full strength Thieves mouthwash.  This makes the mouthwash a super value!  I hope you try it and I hope you love it!
If you would like information on Thieves mouthwash or other Young Living products, send me a message,  I’d love to chat with you.
Be blessed and stay oily!


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