This is a great recipe I found online and have made them, shower melts are wonderful to have on hand.  Only thing is when you open up the oven after they are done backing be prepared for a burst of "Vicks" smell.

Oh, spring.  Why do you always seem to bring some kind of cold or respiratory virus along with you?  There has been a passing of cough and cold bug around the area for the past few weeks, and I wanted a way to relieve a bit of our stuffiness.  Hot showers usually help during the day and a diffuser at night, but what if I could combine those two things into one?  I made these eucalyptus and peppermint shower melts to try to do just that.

The melts are made from essential oils and baking soda.  The baking soda is just a vehicle to get the oils into the shower’s steam. I chose to use peppermint and eucalyptus oils because they remind me of the smell of Vicks.  If you would rather, you could use citrus oils or lavender in your shower melts.

Begin by thoroughly mixing 1/3 cup of water into 1 cup of baking soda.  The mixture will not seem very wet, which is a good thing.  If your mixture is too wet it will take forever to bake. 

After you have mixed the water and soda, add in 20 drops of eucalyptus oil and 20 drops of peppermint oil.  You can adjust the amount based on your personal preferences, but that is a good ratio from which to start.

Stir the oils into the soda mixture, and then spoon the mixture into a muffin tin.  I used a silicone mini muffin pan, which works really well for this project.  The silicone makes it easy to pop the finished discs out without smashing them.  However, the silicone pan is pretty floppy, so be careful when you carry it.

Bake the mixture in a 350 oven for 20 minutes.   If you are using a metal pan or a regular sized silicone muffin pan, your bake time may vary.  I would suggest setting a timer for 20 minutes and then checking on the discs every 5 minutes after that to see if they are fully dried.

Remove the pan from the oven, and let the whole thing cool.

Before you pop the discs out of the pan, add a few more drops of the essential oils to each disc for added scent.   Store the discs in an airtight container until use.  Humidity is the enemy of these little guys.

If you are feeling stuffed up, or if you just want an amazing smelling shower, place one or two discs at the end of your shower farthest from the shower head.  That way the water will still hit the discs, but it won’t dissolve them immediately. 
These shower melts are meant to be used in the shower.  DO NOT use them in a bath.  DO NOT use them in a humidifier.  DO NOT eat the shower melts.  That would just be dumb.

The bonus of these shower melts, unlike with other spa products, is that they are actually good for your shower drain.  After you finish your shower, pour a little white vinegar down the drain to combine with the baking soda and loosen up the gunk down there.  I can’t promise that it will clean out your drains, but it should not hurt them. 


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