Cleaning and Deodorizing with Essential Oils
Stationary Diffusers - Essential Oils for BathroomsThe kitchen may be the room with the highest levels and variety of harmful bacteria – mainly from processing raw meats and decaying foods. Which room comes in SECOND?
-----Your teenage son’s bedroom last cleaned 10 years ago?
-----The shared bathroom of your children?
-----The TV room where snacks and meals are consumed?
The ANSWER: Behold the bathroom. The SOLUTION: Essential oils.
Cleaning Bathrooms with Essential Oils**************************
Bathrooms can be sources of GERMS. The Toilet. The Bath. The Shower. The Sink.
Routine cleaning with essential oils can get rid of germs. Essential oils in the cleaning can keep germs away longer. The essential oil molecules act like an INVISIBLE SHIELD. A shield that wards off germs. A shield that fights against bacterial growth. A shield that can last for weeks.
Strong Defensive Essential Oils
1. Cinnamon bark
2. Clove bud
3. Thyme
Moderate Defensive Essential Oils
1. Tea Tree
2. Eucalyptus
3. Helichrysum
4. Lemongrass
Mix the essential oils to provide a lasting aroma. Mix strong oils with moderate oils.
Stationary diffusers are usually situated in your house, office, or car. Stationary diffusers passively emit essential oils into the environment. These fixed-location diffusers are intended to freshen the air in the environment for all who enter. Stationary diffusers can be made from almost any material, like wood, ceramic, wax, metal, glass, leather, cloth, paper, etc.
Essential Oils Freshen Air in Bathrooms*******************
Bathrooms can be a source of foul ODORS. Unflushed toilet. Waste build-up around Toilet. Soap scum on Bath. Sink with rings of grime. The putrid stench from Eliminations. Soiled diapers in the garbage can. Toddler mishaps.
Essential oils are great at disguising and eliminating foul odors. Essential oils can help guests feel comfortable visiting your bathroom. Essential oils are a natural solution to foul bathroom odors.
Monoterpene-Rich Essential Oils for Bathrooms
1. Orange
2. Lemon
3. Tangerine
4. Grapefruit
5. Hinoki
6. Pine
7. Fir
Monoterpene-rich essential oils fill the bathroom quickly. They are oils that make people comfortable visiting bathrooms.
Oxygenated Monoterpene-Rich Essential Oils for Bathrooms
1. Lavender
2. Geranium
3. Spearmint
4. Peppermint
Oxygenated Monoterpene-rich oils have a strong “floral” aroma. These molecules linger longer than Monoterpene molecules.
Sesquiterpene-Rich Essential Oils for Bathrooms
1. Cedarwood
2. Juniper
3. Hong kuai
4. Sandalwood
Sesquiterpene-rich oils have a lasting “woody” aroma. Sesquiterpene molecules will last for days, maybe even weeks.
Stationary Diffusers in Bathrooms****************************
Keep a couple of bottles of essential oils in plain view in the bathroom. That way family members and guests are reminded and feel comfortable hiding foul odors. Just add one or two drops of essential oils to any of these Stationary Diffusers to keep your bathroom smelling fresh.
Bathroom Fixtures
1. Toilet bowl
2. Shower floor
3. Bathroom sink
Bathroom Furnishings
1. Plastic mat in tub
2. Garbage can
3. Bar soap
4. Throw rub
5. Roll of toilet paper

Bathroom Decorations
1. Bowl of beach sand
2. Bowl of seashells
3. Wooden sculpture
4. Unscented and unlit wide candle
5. Aroma sticks in vase
6. Ceramic tile
All these Stationary Diffusers work. What works for YOU? Just add a drop of essential oil on them and make a happy exit.
Essential oils are great for cleaning and deodorizing bathrooms. Just a drop will do it.
Dr. Cole Woolley, the essential oil explorer


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