Easy DIY Margarita Scented Candles
What says Summer more than margaritas? I took a quick break from the kitchen to make these Easy DIY Margarita Scented Candles and you won’t believe how simple they are to make!  

Don’t be intimidated by making your own candles. With this easy tutorial, you don’t have to melt wax (say what?!), monitor temperatures or let these candles cure overnight! Really, these are as easy as mix, pour and light … you are only minutes from the delectable citrusy scent of margaritas! 

  • Heat safe containers – I used 4 Margarita glasses that I scored at the Dollar Store
  • 8″ Candle Wicks (purchased at Hobby Lobby but similar here) – I used thicker wicks since the diameter of the glasses was about 5 inches
  • Hot glue gun + glue sticks
  • White Granulated Wax (purchased at Hobby Lobby but similar here) – I used about 30 oz. to fill all 4 glasses
  • Essential oils – Young Living Grapefruit & Lime 
  • Scissors
First, I washed and dried the margarita glasses. Then, I used my hot glue gun to affix a wick to the center of the bottom of each glass. 

Once the glue was dry, I mixed together one 12 oz. bag of granulated wax with 15 drops each of Grapefruit and Lime essential oils. (If you prefer, you can leave the candles unscented or use a liquid candle scent.) The beauty of granulated wax is that you don’t need to melt it to fill your container. The tiny granules will melt as the wick burns. 

After I mixed the oils into the granulated wax, it is as simple as filling your container! Make sure to keep the wick centered and gently press down the granulated wax to ensure that any air pockets are filled with wax granules. That will make the wax burn more evenly. 

Trim the wick and leave about 1 1/2 inches of wick above the top of your container. 

And DONE!!! Easy Peezie.   I think all 4 of these candles literally took less than 10 minutes from start to finish!! 



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