Five Must-Have Oils for Your Kids

Time to eliminate those feelings of worry and helplessness and replace them with confidence and empowerment as we learn about some amazing products for your kiddos! 

I will share with you about the Young Living KidScents Collection along with ways you can start incorporating these into your daily routines to set your kids up for success and give their growing bodies exactly what they need to thrive. YAY!

As always, when using essential oils on adults or children, you never want to put them directly into the eyes or ears. You also want to be aware of any blends that may contain citrus oils as these are photosensitive and should be avoided if being exposed to direct sunlight.

The oils from the KidScents line come pre-diluted to make application easy, taking the guesswork out of diluting it yourself. The recommended application is for children ages 2-12 but I’ve known many mothers to use them on children younger than that. Remember, you know your child the best. Use your best judgement and see what works for them. Start ‘low and slow’ - apply to the feet, using just a drop or two and go from there. 

These oils can also be diffused! Start with just 3-4 drops and adjust as you see fit. 

 1. TummyGize

TummyGize is a blend perfect for little tummies that aren’t feeling so well. It contains seven oils that are specifically formulated and blended to soothe and relax.

Spearmint - gentler than peppermint and enhances relaxation

Peppermint - supportive and soothing

Tangerine - rich in limonene (Google the benefits)

Fennel - used as a digestive aid for thousands of years and mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, the Ebers Papyrus

Ginger - soothes, comforts, and balances

Cardamom - protects the stomach

Anise - a key ingredient in the Essentialzymes supplement

Are you seeing a connection here? Little tummies will love this blend!


Add an AromaGlide™ roller fitment to the top for easy roll-on application. If you don't have a roller top that's ok! Just add a drop onto the belly button and rub around.

Apply in a clockwise motion to follow the normal digestion pattern every 30 minutes for an hour and as needed thereafter. 

But wait … there's more! No tummy is perfect without a probiotic! 

The KidScents MightyPro pairs perfectly with TummyGize for added digestive support. It contains both pre- and probiotics. Prebiotics and probiotics help support digestion, the immune system, and emotional balance. They do this by stimulating and replenishing “good bacteria” through the live cultures. MightyPro has 8 billion active, live cultures! 

You can sprinkle it on cold food and drinks for easy consumption. It also tastes great on its own . . . think healthy Pixie Stick! Your kids will love it!

2. SniffleEase

This blend is amazingly effective! It is rejuvenating, refreshing, and perfect for little lungs.

Eucalyptus Blue - unique Eucalyptus oil grown in Ecuador

Palo Santo - known as the poor man’s Frankincense

Lavender - balancing and calming

Dorado Azul - recognized only as a weed in Ecuador until Gary Young analyzed it for the first time and gave it an identity

Ravintsara - has purifying properties that are a cross between nutmeg and clove

Myrtle - balancing and soothing

Eucalyptus Globulus - also found in Breathe Again and can be soothing to muscles

Marjoram - known as the ‘herb of happiness’

Pine - shares similar properties with Eucalyptus Globulus and their actions are enhanced when combined 

Eucalyptus Citriodora - traditionally used as a perfume in linen closets

Cypress - this oil gets things moving!

Eucalyptus Radiata - cleansing and purifying

Black Spruce - releasing and grounding properties

Peppermint - not just good for the belly, opens up the airways too

The four different varieties of Eucalyptus in the blend make it a powerhouse oil.


Add an AromaGlide™ roller fitment to the top for easy roll-on application. Don't have a roller fitment? No problem! Just add a drop to the chest, back, or feet and rub in!

Roll on the spine, bottoms of feet, and chest every few hours and as needed. 

3. SleepyIze

SleepyIze is perfect for calming and relaxing the mind and body before bedtime (or naptime).  

Lavender - relaxing, harmonizing, balancing

Geranium - excellent for the skin, but also fosters peace, well-being, and hope

Roman Chamomile - calming, soothing, and perfect for adults, children, and pets

Tangerine - helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle 

Bergamot - relaxing to the mind and body

Sacred Frankincense - mood-elevating and relaxing

Valerian - promotes feelings of relaxation and eases occasional restlessness

Ruta (Rue) - sleep-inducing properties

Are you starting to get an idea of the attention to detail that Gary Young displays as you learn about the properties of the different oils that make up these blends? He was meticulous. He did his research and selected just the right oils that when all perfectly paired together would create a blend that was pure magic. 

Trust me . . . when you experience this for yourself, you’ll believe in magic too!


Add an AromaGlide™ roller fitment to the top for easy roll-on application. Don't have a roller fitment? No problem! Just add a drop to the chest, back, or feet and rub in!

Roll on the spine, bottoms of feet, and chest before bedtime or naptime. 

Remember - these oils can be diffused too! Start with just a few drops and adjust as you see fit.


4. Owie

The name pretty much says it all, but it involves way more than you are probably thinking. You can grab this oil when your little one has some skin that needs soothing. You can even grab this oil to help ease emotional and mental hurt and stress... an area we may tend to overlook.

Children have to work through some of the same feelings and emotions as adults do, but at times it can be harder for them to process. Oils have a powerful impact on the emotional center of the brain and can be a great tool when helping your little ones deal with emotional trauma of their own.

Idaho Balsam Fir - soothing and rejuvenating to the body and mind

Tea Tree - cleansing and supports healthy skin

Helichrysum - known for its restorative properties 

Elemi - in the same botanical family as Frankincense and Myrrh (great for skin)

Cistus - honey-like scent, used for stress and trauma

Hinoki - energizing and uplifting to the mind

Clove - supports overall wellness, main ingredient in Thieves

You can witness in this blend how intentional Gary was in choosing oils that are useful for our physical body along with our emotional minds to benefit the body as a whole.


Apply Owie topically to improve the appearance of your child’s skin. Start with just a drop and adjust accordingly.


 5. GeneYus

Speaking of the mind, that brings us to our last oil in the KidScents Collection -  GeneYus. This blend is perfect for helping young minds focus and concentrate on projects and the task at hand. Let’s be honest ... I’ve never met a kid who couldn’t use a little extra help in this area, have you??

This one is ‘THE BOMB’! Just wait until I tell you about all the different oils that make up this blend.

Sacred Frankincense - high in sesquiterpenes which send oxygen to the limbic system of the brain

Blue Cypress -used to aid in the body’s natural response to irritation and injury

Cedarwood - promotes a sense of security and peace

Idaho Blue Spruce - relaxing to the mind and body

Palo Santo - used to purify and cleanse negative energies

Melissa - soothing, calming, good for easing stress

Northern Lights Black Spruce - grounding

Bergamot - mood-lifting properties

Myrrh - balances the production of many vital hormones

Vetiver - grounding, calming, and stabilizing

Geranium - strengthening and revitalizing

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood - emotionally balancing and grounding

Ylang Ylang - used for balancing both male and female energies

Hyssop - known for its purifying properties

Rose - very high vibrational frequency 

Don’t forget . . . just because these oils are part of the KidScents collection, it doesn’t mean that adults can’t benefit from them too!


Apply to the skin as needed - some places to try: back of the neck, earlobes, forehead, etc.

Diffuse as needed. Start with a few drops and adjust as you see fit.

But that’s not all . . . 

In addition to the line of KidScents oils, Young Living also offers a full array of KidScents products that can be used on your kiddos every single day, like toothpaste, lotion, bath gel, and shampoo, to ensure nothing but the best is being absorbed into their little bodies. Plus some of the best oil-infused supplements, like MightyZymes and MightyVites!

There are many ways to order your products, whether they are just for you OR for your kids. One option is to order as a Retail Customer. You will spend a lot more money ordering this way so I do not recommend it. Ha! 

The best way to order your products is to become a member so you can get all of your products at 24% off and have access to many other membership perks like Essential Rewards - the best monthly subscription box around!

How do you become a member? It’s simple! Just pick out your favorite starter kit and the lifetime membership comes absolutely FREE! Click HERE to get started!

You can grab a ready-made LITTLE OILERS Starter Kit that has all the five KidScents oils we talked about plus a super adorable "Feather The Owl" ultrasonic diffuser! It is the perfect tool you can add to your wellness cabinet to support your kid's health naturally.

I want to make sure you get the best deal on everything so, if you want to know how to get your YL products for free, ask me how! Connect with me HERE! Blessings!!! - Majal Minguez

*** content of this blog taken from GROWorkspace



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