For those seeking truth - Your health is within you and you are the only one who can take care of it.
The wise choose to take care of their health every day. Why do you think you can trust others to take
care of it? They are only human and they have their own issues. Nursing homes have been shut
down and have been closed due to lack of funds. There are senior citizens facilities that have gone
bankrupt and the people who paid a lot of money get in to these facilities most likely will lose lots of
the money that they paid. Then what are they going to do? Insurance companies are businesses
and are not looking out for your best interests. Government is trillions of dollars in debt. Can you
really trust government that thinks it is OK to be so far in debt? Do you think a politician is really
looking out for your personal well-being? The mainstream medical system in the US is the number
one cause of death so it is best to avoid it if at all possible. Time for everyone to get started on a
better path for wellness. It is the only way that works. With Young Living we are blessed to have the
essential oil blend Highest Potential. It inspires you to be your very best as you were created to be.
The properties help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative,
support the hormones, support the adrenal glands, are calming, help to balance the emotions,
support cardiovascular health, support digestion, help to reduce nausea, inhibit disease, are
performance enhancing, and support wellness. The essential oils in this blend are Australian blue,
Gathering blend, jasmine, and ylang ylang. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop.
Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation:
"I am persistent and will never give up on my goals." Choosing to not criticize, condemn, or complain
is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home.
Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
The wise choose to take care of their health every day. Why do you think you can trust others to take
care of it? They are only human and they have their own issues. Nursing homes have been shut
down and have been closed due to lack of funds. There are senior citizens facilities that have gone
bankrupt and the people who paid a lot of money get in to these facilities most likely will lose lots of
the money that they paid. Then what are they going to do? Insurance companies are businesses
and are not looking out for your best interests. Government is trillions of dollars in debt. Can you
really trust government that thinks it is OK to be so far in debt? Do you think a politician is really
looking out for your personal well-being? The mainstream medical system in the US is the number
one cause of death so it is best to avoid it if at all possible. Time for everyone to get started on a
better path for wellness. It is the only way that works. With Young Living we are blessed to have the
essential oil blend Highest Potential. It inspires you to be your very best as you were created to be.
The properties help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative,
support the hormones, support the adrenal glands, are calming, help to balance the emotions,
support cardiovascular health, support digestion, help to reduce nausea, inhibit disease, are
performance enhancing, and support wellness. The essential oils in this blend are Australian blue,
Gathering blend, jasmine, and ylang ylang. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop.
Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation:
"I am persistent and will never give up on my goals." Choosing to not criticize, condemn, or complain
is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home.
Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
Give your heart a little love with Cardiogize. It is a great product to support heart health. A great
diffuser blend to try. Warm Vibes - 4 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 3 drops tangerine,
2 drops clove, 1 drop cinnamon bark is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is like a
lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution to your
problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back your power and set
yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected
to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We
are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get started with one
of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout
for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our
team. Great video - Watch this and you
will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things
in the world.
diffuser blend to try. Warm Vibes - 4 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 3 drops tangerine,
2 drops clove, 1 drop cinnamon bark is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is like a
lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution to your
problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back your power and set
yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected
to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We
are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get started with one
of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout
for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our
team. Great video - Watch this and you
will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things
in the world.

For those seeking truth - Higher levels of vitamin D are associated with prevention of diabetes.
The bacteria in the gut are associated with the antibodies in our body. Being physically active
is very important to having a longer life. Branched chain amino acids support mitochoondrial
health. Blueberries can help with muscle growth and repair. At least 25% of arthritis cases are
linked to being overweight. Turmeric can help the body in overcoming viruses. Zinc is very
important to the immune system. Fisetin supports brain health and cognition. Drinking two
sodas a day increases your risk of premature death. Radishes can help to prevent heart
attacks and strokes. Lemon essential oil and garcinia cambogia can help to dissolve kidney
stones. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Harmony. This
blend was created to promote physical and emotional healing by creating a harmonic balance
for grounding the energy centers of the body. It brings us into harmony with all things, people,
and cycles of life. It helps in reducing stress, amplifying well-being and dissipating feelings of
discord. It is uplifting and elevating to the mind, creating a positive attitude. The properties
help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, emotionally
supportive, uplifting, calming, support the cardiovascular system, and help reduce discomfort
and swelling. The essential oils in this blend are Royal Hawaiian sandalwood, lavender, ylang
ylang, frankincense, orange, angelica, geranium, hyssop, Spanish sage, black spruce,
coriander, bergamot, lemon, jasmine, Roman chamomile, palmarosa, and rose. Endless
possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body
to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I have abundant vitality because I am
aligned with my purpose." Releasing the baggage of the past - the mistakes, the guilt, the
shame, the regrets - is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness
and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -
The bacteria in the gut are associated with the antibodies in our body. Being physically active
is very important to having a longer life. Branched chain amino acids support mitochoondrial
health. Blueberries can help with muscle growth and repair. At least 25% of arthritis cases are
linked to being overweight. Turmeric can help the body in overcoming viruses. Zinc is very
important to the immune system. Fisetin supports brain health and cognition. Drinking two
sodas a day increases your risk of premature death. Radishes can help to prevent heart
attacks and strokes. Lemon essential oil and garcinia cambogia can help to dissolve kidney
stones. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Harmony. This
blend was created to promote physical and emotional healing by creating a harmonic balance
for grounding the energy centers of the body. It brings us into harmony with all things, people,
and cycles of life. It helps in reducing stress, amplifying well-being and dissipating feelings of
discord. It is uplifting and elevating to the mind, creating a positive attitude. The properties
help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, emotionally
supportive, uplifting, calming, support the cardiovascular system, and help reduce discomfort
and swelling. The essential oils in this blend are Royal Hawaiian sandalwood, lavender, ylang
ylang, frankincense, orange, angelica, geranium, hyssop, Spanish sage, black spruce,
coriander, bergamot, lemon, jasmine, Roman chamomile, palmarosa, and rose. Endless
possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body
to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I have abundant vitality because I am
aligned with my purpose." Releasing the baggage of the past - the mistakes, the guilt, the
shame, the regrets - is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness
and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -
Say goodbye to cleaners loaded with toxins, which are most of the ones sold. Thieves Cleaner is
plant-based. It is safe, effective, and a little goes a long way so it can save you money. It is the
ultimate all-in-one cleaner. is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is like a
lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution to your
problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back your power and set
yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected
to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We
are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get started with one
of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout
for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our
team. Great video - Watch this and you
will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things
in the world.
plant-based. It is safe, effective, and a little goes a long way so it can save you money. It is the
ultimate all-in-one cleaner. is setting people, families, and communities free! Young Living is like a
lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this world. What if the solution to your
problems was using our products and sharing with others? Take back your power and set
yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected
to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We
are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get started with one
of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout
for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our
team. Great video - Watch this and you
will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best and most important things
in the world.

For those seeking truth - Essential fatty acids support a longer lifespan. Vitamin C and quercetin
have been found to be effective against infections and viruses. Higher BPA levels are linked to more
asthma symptoms in children. Gingko biloba supports cognitive function. Calming the mind, focusing
on the present moment, and focusing on breathing can improve mental health. B complex support
heart health. Soy isoflavones can lower your risk for heart disease. Eating garlic can lower your risk
of dying from all causes. Resveratrol can help to reduce excess weight. There are hundreds of
studies showing the health benefits of dark chocolate. Studies show that experiencing childhood
trauma makes the body and brain age faster. Cilantro and coriander support brain health and may
be able to aid in prevention of seizures. Drinking green tea can help with reducing anxiety. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Grounding. It was created to give us
a feeling of solidarity and balance that stabilizes and grounds us. When you are grounded you
can better cope with reality constructively. The properties help the body handle inflammation, are
antioxidative, are grounding and balancing, supportive emotionally, are calming, and inhibit disease.
The essential oils in this blend are white fir, black spruce, ylang ylang, pine, cedarwood, angelica,
and juniper. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools
for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Good things are happening to me."
Being honest with yourself is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness
and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
have been found to be effective against infections and viruses. Higher BPA levels are linked to more
asthma symptoms in children. Gingko biloba supports cognitive function. Calming the mind, focusing
on the present moment, and focusing on breathing can improve mental health. B complex support
heart health. Soy isoflavones can lower your risk for heart disease. Eating garlic can lower your risk
of dying from all causes. Resveratrol can help to reduce excess weight. There are hundreds of
studies showing the health benefits of dark chocolate. Studies show that experiencing childhood
trauma makes the body and brain age faster. Cilantro and coriander support brain health and may
be able to aid in prevention of seizures. Drinking green tea can help with reducing anxiety. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Grounding. It was created to give us
a feeling of solidarity and balance that stabilizes and grounds us. When you are grounded you
can better cope with reality constructively. The properties help the body handle inflammation, are
antioxidative, are grounding and balancing, supportive emotionally, are calming, and inhibit disease.
The essential oils in this blend are white fir, black spruce, ylang ylang, pine, cedarwood, angelica,
and juniper. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools
for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Good things are happening to me."
Being honest with yourself is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness
and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -