For those seeking truth - The treatments of mainstream medicine for cancer can accelerate aging.
Ashwagandha is linked to better quality sleep and less anxiety. Vitamin D supports good bacteria in
the gut. Pea protein supports bone health. Low glutathione is linked with virtually all chronic health
Ashwagandha is linked to better quality sleep and less anxiety. Vitamin D supports good bacteria in
the gut. Pea protein supports bone health. Low glutathione is linked with virtually all chronic health
issues. Excessive fructose consumption may cause a leaky gut and lead to fatty liver disease. Low
levels of vitamins D and K are associated with increased risk of mortality. Reishi mushroom can help
with cancer prevention. Garlic supports brain health and helps the body handle inflammation. You
want to make sure you get enough magnesium every day because it impacts everything from protein
synthesis to blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is important for at least 300 enzyme activities in
the body. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend ImmuPower. This blend
is very powerful in supporting the immune system. The other properties are that it helps with
inflammation, is antioxidative, calming, supports the cardiovascular system, is organ protective,
helps with discomfort and to reduce swelling, and is wellness supportive. The essential oils in this
blend are hyssop, mountain savory, cistus, ravintsara, frankincense, oregano, clove, cumin, and
Dorado azul. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools
for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I make great choices." Being
responsible for your actions which is linked to freedom, being accountable for what you say and do,
looking for opportunity rather than handouts which will only enslave you are a game changer for
wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people