For those seeking truth - Probiotics help to prevent bone loss. Vitamin E is needed for proper
nervous system development. Korean ginseng supports bone health. Rosemary and ginger
essential oils support respiratory health. Red chili pepper can help with releasing excess
weight. Black currant supports brain health. Zinc supports the immune system. Gotu kola
supports many systems of the body in supporting wellness. Royal jelly is a gentle laxative.
Blueberries, curcumin, resveratrol, and aloe vera help to reduce inflammation and support
the immune system. The enzyme catalase can help the immune system with viruses.
Pomegranates improve mitochondria function, can prevent the accumulation of dysfunctional
mitochondria, can help with improved muscle function, and can help to prevent heart disease
and cancer. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Longevity. As
the name says this blend helps to prevent premature aging. The properties help the body 
handle inflammation, protect DNA, support brain health, support the immune system, support 
the cellular membrane, are antioxidative, are calming, support the cardiovascular system, help 
the body with parasites, are organ protective, help with discomfort and swelling, support 
wellness, and support skin and hair health. Endless possibilities for good in each and every 
drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's 
Affirmation: "Brilliant ideas come easily to me." Fear and worry don't add anything positive to 
your life. Remembering that you were created by God, that He is in control, and putting your 
focus on faith rather than fear are a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path 
for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, 


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