Energy... Late nights, early mornings, restless sleep, teenagers sneaking out, babies crying...there are lots of reasons we may not have energy. It could be your sleep habits OR  it could also be the foods you are eating It could be you have just spent every last bit of energy spinning your wheels on things that do not matter and are just filing your space. (that is another blog post!) 

Whatever the reason you feel like you have lack of energy, there is ONE thing that everyone of us must do.


How we take action may be different for each on of us. However action must be taken. 

Today we are going to focus not those of us that are lacking energy due to the foods we are consuming. 

There are several simple things that you can do and I mean right now.

  • Write down everything you have consumed today. Food, liquid, yes that Grand mocha Latte too! Anything that entered your mouth. 
  • No next to each item, write what color it was, was it mostly sugar, carbs, beautiful fruits and veggies. 
  • Now sit back and take a look. We are what we eat. Do you like what you see. Is everything the same color. Bleached white sugar. Or are you eating a variety of color?
Now, Take one step and decide one thing you can consume tomorrow that would be different from what you ate today that would add little color to you palette. 

Come back and share that with us. What simple small thing you changed even if it was just for one day. And to get more ideas on how to ways natural boot your energy here. 


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