Today, our mindset focus is on Kindness! Studies show that performing kindness acts activates areas of pleasure, social connection, and trust in the brain. Scientists also found that when someone only thinks of the idea of giving, endorphins and oxytocin hormones, which elevate the mood, are released making him/her feel better and happier for hours. Read about why Kindness is important to the brain.
Affirmation: I am Kind, I am Giving
Let's spread kindness by thinking of shareable snack packs to bring to neighbors or essential workers. Here are a few ideas.

A list of snack ideas to give out to neighbors or essential workers:
Printable tags:
Mindfulness Activity: Worry Rocks
Activity: Painting Kindness Rocks
We absolutely love participating by sharing and finding kindness rocks. Our town has a Facebook group that is very active and it started at a Nursing Home as a fun activity for the residents to do as well as for them to receive from town members. Whenever we travel to other states we've started finding them as well. Now, we enjoy painting rocks and sending kindness messages to friends and families as well as hiding them when we go out hiking.
From this website: Here's how you can create Kindness Rocks with your family or in your classroom. You'll need these supplies:
- Palm-sized, smooth rocks
- Acrylic paint and thin brushes
- Paint pens or permanent marker (optional)
- Clear outdoor sealant spray
Gather your rocks. Look for ones with a smooth side that fit in the palm of your hand. About 3” is the best size. (We got ours from our river rock landscaping.)
Invitation to Play: Giving the Stones a bath
Kids absolutely love to play with water and soap or shaving cream make it 100% more fun! Set up a water table or a shallow bin with water and soap or shaving cream. Add some sponges and scrub brushes. Set a basket of collected rocks (from the kids or ones that you provide). Also, set a basket of plastic animals. Tell them that the rocks and animals need a bath today! This should engage them for quite some time. To extend the play, then build a habitat scene with the rocks and animals while they dry on a towel using the color as the terrain such as a green towel for grass or a blue one for water.
Enjoy the shift in the brain this week!
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