Young Living Thieves Household Cleaner is perfect to use to make your own wipes. It is super easy! Right now it is probably my favorite DIY non-toxic home cleaner.

As I said, these are super easy to make. First you will need paper towels. I used and recommend VIVA paper towels. These are a full sheet and are still strong when wet. A full size sheet is important because you will be cutting the roll in half.

So let’s get started. First, cut the paper towels in half. A serrated knife works pretty good. I have a monster paper cutter at my office and it works great to cut a roll in half in a matter of seconds, but I know not many homes will have one, thus, the knife is a good choice!

Next, remove the cardboard center. I used my thumbs wedged between the cardboard and the last paper towel sheet. Once my thumbs met I collapsed the tube and then twisted and pulled it out. It also pulled the inside paper towel sheet out of the center which is exactly what I wanted to happen. You can discard the cardboard tube.

Put the paper towels in a container. I used a large container from the bulk food section of Whole Foods. It is a great way to re-purpose a container, plus it was free! You got that part, right? Free! You can use any kind of container you like, but it should have a cover so the towels don’t dry out.  Mix together 1 1/2 cups of distilled water and one cap full of Young Living Household Cleaner in a measuring cup. Begin pouring the liquid in to the center and work your way out to the outer edge.

Let the paper towels absorb the liquid. The first time I made this I used two cups of liquid and it was way too wet so using 1 1/2 cups worked out well. If they are too dry, or dry out, you can always add more liquid later. And that’s it! You are done. You could add a cute little label to your container

Now here is another reason to make and use these wipes: cost. $1.50 for about 50 wipes compared to the toxic Clorox wipes for $5.83 at Walmart for 35 wipes. But the biggest reason is they are not toxic and safe for your home, children and pets, and are a great disinfectant.


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