If you’re already an Essential Rewards member, things will only get better for you. If you are not yet an Essential Rewards member, now is the time to join!!! It’s super-easy to join, and I will include directions on the bottom of the screen. And if you are not yet a Young Living member…now’s the time!!

First off, What is Essential Rewards?

For those of you who are not familiar, Essential Rewards is Young Living’s rewards and autoship program. When you sign up, you qualify for a few things:
1) to earn points (known as PV) to redeem for free product
2) lower cost shipping for most items
3) increasing points earned the longer you are Essential Rewards members
4) change your monthly order products AND your date of delivery every month, if you want.
5) no commitment, quit anytime.

So how do Essential Rewards work?

Beginning your first month, Essential Rewards members will earn 10% back in points back from months 1 through 3, 20% back in months 4-24, and 25% back in months 25+ of membership. (To see how this differs from what Young Living currently offers, see the graphic below).
What does this mean, practically speaking? Let’s look at a hypothetical scenario:
  • You join Essential Rewards on September 1. You order $100 of product, which is worth (in this case, and most cases) 100 PV. You earn 10% of that PV back in ‘points’ to redeem whenever you like. So for this order, you’ve earned 10 PV, which shows in the upper left of your dashboard.
  • The second month, October, you order 190 PV worth of product. Happily, at 190 PV Young Living begins to send you lots of free products. So this month, not only do you earn 10% back in points to spend on product (so 19 PV which gets added to the 10 PV from last month, equally 29 PV total now in your Dashboard)…you also get their free goodies. Now, I don’t know what the free goodies will be for October, but this month they were a free bottle of Bergamot, a free bottle of Lime and a free 15 ml bottle of Clarity–89 dollars worth of product. Expect similarly awesome freebies down the line.
  • The third month, November, you order 250 PV worth of product. Again, 250 PV represents the ‘next level up’ for freebies from Young Living, so you would get not only another 25 points to spend on products (now you’re at 54 points) you get a whole slew of amazing goodies. You also get your special 3-month present (I don’t know what it is, but it’s sure to be wonderful!)
  • The fourth month, December, the amount you earn back in points jumps from 10% to 20%. So you buy $200 worth of product and get a whopping 40 points back to spend in free product, bringing you up to 94 points redeemable pretty much dollar for dollar in the Young Living store–oils, skin care products, you name it, all free. These points can be spent at any time!
This will continue as long as you are a member of Essential Rewards. In addition, beginning in September Young Living will be giving gifts at the 3, 6 and 9 month points of membership. And at 12 months, you’ll get an exclusive bottle of Loyalty, which nobody has ever received–exciting !!
As you can see from the graphic below, Young Living is dramatically increasing the rewards and points you receive when you become (and stay) an Essential Rewards member. Please remember, there is NO obligation to stay a member if you choose not too, but remember also that if you unenroll and then decide to re-enroll, you will start back at the 10% level.

Who Should Join Essential Rewards?
I strongly recommend all my downline, and all distributors in general, join Essential Rewards. There’s nothing to lose, since you can cancel at any time, and much to gain. It is one of the two big perks that Young Living offers members, the other being the 24% off retail prices.

I have been an Essential Rewards member since the very beginning. My monthly order varies from month to month, but always contains two bottles of Ning Xia Red supplement and a box of Nitro supplements. (I reviewed Ning Xia Red on my blog.) That brings me to about $100 dollars a month. Each month, a few days before my ship date, I log into my Virtual Office and add other things to my order. I usually choose to try a new oil, or replenish my stock of oil that I’ve gone through. I  try to hit 190 PV so I can get the wonderful free goodies Young Living offers, but you only need to spend $50 each month as a member of Essential Rewards. Oh, and Young Living sends you an email reminder a week or so before your ship date to help you remember to change your order, if you want to change it month to month.
ETA: VERY IMPORTANT! If you join Essential Rewards then each month, be sure to place your order as an Essential Rewards order, NOT as a Quick Order. Quick Orders are for those times when you want to place an EXTRA order on top of your monthly Essential Rewards order–Quick Orders are NOT the same thing as an Essential Rewards order. To edit your monthly ER order, you must click Essential Rewards on the left-hand side of your Virtual Office and then click CHANGE ORDER to change your monthly Essential Rewards order. Do this a few days before your processing date and be sure to put this date in your calendar so you don’t forget! This confusion has happened to a few members and I don’t want it to happen to you. So please, Quick Order and ER orders are not the same thing! Email me with any questions.
Have a question? Email me, call me text me I am happy to help.  This is an awesome program!  

1. Login to your VirtualOffice at youngliving.com2. Use your username & password, or member number & password to log in. Don (1)


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