Reasons Why I Love Young Living Oils
What I love about my Young Living oils:

They taste yummy!
I love adding lemon vitality to my water every morning. It is delicious. Great way to get your day going.  Who wouldn't want something yummy in their life every day? If it's delicious and good for your overall wellness, go for it!

They replaced my air freshener.
Sometimes my life is smelly. Smelly dogs, shoes, barn clothes, and of course kids. I love to diffuse Purification in my living room to make the house smell clean and fresh again.

Stress away all day!
This stuff is a must have if you're a stressed out mom like me. I seriously want to bathe in it. It smells so good, and even helps reduce nervous tension, as well as induce relaxation.

They help with focus.
Peppermint is the best way to get in some good study time. The smell helps promote focus and clarity, as well as support a healthy nervous system. 

They support a healthy immune system
Thieves is pretty much the best for supporting healthy immune function, which makes me a huge fan. What mom doesn't find themselves in need of this oil especially when the school year hits? It also smells like Christmas, which is a bonus because I love Christmas.

They relieve occasional muscle soreness/tension
Panaway is a god send after a long day of horseback riding. It makes for a tension relieving massage oil, and I could not love it more.

They smell like the spa
With lavender, I get to bring the spa home with me. It's one of my favorite ways to help the family unwind before bed because it smells amazing, and it calms everyone down after a long day.

They support your body.
Copaiba supports your body's natural response to injury or irritation; two things that are common in my life.

They are pretty.
I am a sucker for pretty things, and these oils just speak to my soul. The diffuser is not something I ever feel like I need to hide, and I proudly display it on my counters or shelves so everyone can see them. There's nothing ugly about these bottles of goodness and I love that!

There you have it my friends. These are just a few reasons why I love Young Living oils so much. There's a thousand more reasons but they simply wouldn't fit in one post.  Every day I am learning more about wellness and I love it. These oils are changing my life and my family’s, and I am so glad I could share with you why I love them so much.


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