Creative Gift Giving with Oils
Ok, all you non-crafty, time-constrained shoppers out there…I have got a cute idea for you today!

It’s a spa bath in a cup.

This is simply a layer of Epsom salt on the bottom with a shower poof for the “whipped cream” and a little bottle of essential oil tucked in the top!

To use these, just add a few drops of essential oil into the Epsom salt, give it a quick shake and pour straight into a soaking tub for a relaxing spa bath.

Be aware that citrus oils will melt plastic so don’t shake it too long for those!
I know there are straws in them but even though they look just like your favorite Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, these are NOT meant to be ingested. These cups are for the cuteness factor only.

If you drink Epsom salt you’ll spend the holidays in the bathroom instead of visiting family, so please make sure the gift recipients know the cups and straws are just for looks! Otherwise they will be in a world of hurt.

Safety first, y’all!

So, today I’m showing you how to make them for your teacher / housecleaner / mail-lady as an easy Christmas gift idea!
Here are the supplies you’ll need to make these cutie-cups (aff links)

  • Unscented Epsom salt
  • Travel size shower poofs (You can use regular size poofs if you have Venti cups)
  • Your favorite 5 ml bottles of Young Living essential oils (optional, but these are the best part!)
  • Clear plastic parfait cups with domed lids and straws (You can buy non-labeled kind on Amazon. I used Starbucks.)
  • Fill cups halfway with Epsom salt
  • Pop a poof on top
  • Stick the straw down in beside the poof (easier to do this step before the lids)
  • Snap the lid on
  • Tuck a little 5 ml bottle of therapeutic grade Young Living essential oil in the hole!
Seriously, so simple.

I went through the Starbucks drive-through and offered to pay for these cups, but they gave them to me for free! You might get lucky, also, so just go ask and see.

These domed lids with the little holes in the top are the perfect size for 5 ml essential oil bottles, so try to find this style.

How cute are these? I just love them.


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