Tea Tree Essential Oil Uses
Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) is likely one of the most popular and well known of the essential oils. Tea tree oil is in many commercial products on the market. This ancient oil was used for anything and everything. Our family personally uses Tea Tree oil quite often for skin support and in our cleaning products. Tea Tree is an excellent cleanser and purifier. Don’t forget about diffusing Tea Tree oil as well. You will love the clean and refreshing aroma. I would highly encourage you to google Tea Tree benefits and uses so you can learn all the other ways people commonly use this essential oil. 

Some Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil

There really are dozens of uses for Tea Tree oil but here I’ve listed just a few to get you started. Tea Tree is a nice component for a chest rub or can be inhaled directly off of a tissue or pillow.

Tea Tree oil in personal care products are very common. Don’t forget to treat your hair with Tea Tree oil. This one is very popular in many shampoos just check your local grocery shelves. Tea Tree is supportive to hairloss with older individuals. You can add a few drops to your natural Young Living shampoo for added support.  It is supportive to the scalp circulation as well. 
This would be a great addition to your favorite DIY facial wash or cream. It helps open pores and can help treat non-cystic acne. 

I also like to keep Tea Tree oil in my first “oil” kit. It is a great one to apply to minor skin irritations.  Tea Tree oil can also be used to support oral and nail health.

Tea Tree is not an oil that you would ingest. Keep it for topical use or in your home diffuser. Tea Tree oil blends well with many oils and can be found in a couple of my most used Young Living blends such as: Purification and Melrose.


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