Commonly known as “Tea Tree” oil or “Mel-A,” it was used in the 1700s by the indigenous people of Australia to treat cuts, wounds, fungus, and infections.
Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly on location or Vita Flex points. Dilution not required, except for on the most sensitive skin (like little ones!).
Aromatic: Inhale directly from the bottle or diffuse.
Safety / Precautions:
- As with all oils, NEVER get an oil in your ears or in your eyes. If you do, do NOT use water to get it out… simply apply a carrier oil to dilute the oil.
- Clean feet thoroughly, add oil directly to feet and toenails, and massage
- To promote healthy lung function, massage into chest and throat
- For maintenance of healthy skin, apply directly to desired area(s)
- To ease discomfort from bumps or scrapes, apply directly to desired area(s)
- Add 20 drops to your shampoo (either Young Living or DIY shampoo) for maintenance and prevention of scalp and hair issues
- Add a drop to your oil pulling or mouthwash to help support healthy teeth and gums
- Add a drop to your salt sinus rinse to support healthy sinus function
- Apply a drop directly onto desired areas to prevent and cleanse acne
- Add 10 drops in whipped coconut oil for a soothing skin cream
- Add a few drops to some baking soda, spread on your carpets, let sit, then vacuum up! GREAT natural carpet cleaner!
- Add one drop to vitamin E oil, lip balm, or coconut oil for silky smooth lips!
- Apply to the vita flex points on your feet to support a healthy immune system
- Add a drop AROUND the ear (not in… AROUND) to support healthy ear function
- Add a few drops to homemade hand soap
- Add a few drops to homemade cleaner
- Add a few drops to an epsom salt bath to relax at the end of a strenuous day
- Add a drop to your toothbrush to clean it!
- Add a few drops to warm / hot water and gargle to support a healthy mouth and throat (don’t burn yourself!)