We are going to go out a limb here and say "that we have never be in the situation we are heading into now, not in our lifetime or even our parents lifetime"! We are learning, adjusting and doing what we can to stay healthy and students going back to school is going to be WELL ~ interesting! Wouldn't you agree??
So many conversations, perspectives, points of view and ALL of them have value and truth.
One TRUTH we are confident about is that embracing a Young Living Oily Lifestyle really allows for some additional health support that we can easily implement into our daily lives.
We often will say in our classes or events, that using Essential Oil or Oil Infused products doesn't mean we won't get sick or feel unwell, these products are not magic wrap BUT what it does do is it EMPOWERS us to be in action, to be DOING something positive and health supporting.

We are continually adding to our monthly calendar of classes and event with different and fun ways that allow you to be that CURIOUS student, to get the most out of your Young Living health investment. Our website is growing, expanding and great spot for you to land for your personal essential oil experiences.
**We have just finished a 30 day CLUBRED Ningxia Challenge, and it was sooo good! We feel more energized, sleep patterns have improved. We will be planning another one for Oct, so if you don't have any NingXia Red in your home, it makes for a great Essential Rewards monthly order.
In the theme of BACK TO SCHOOL and BEcoming a student, we have a super FUN daily dare we say it ~
Daily Homework. Join us for a great way to learn more about
a. facebook group (under the Unit 2 - Oily ABC's)
b. text OILYABC to (647) 371-0659
c. email us and indicate you are interested in the daily OILYABC and learning in a really fun way.
Maybe Essential Oils are not your thing...but you really do know that Young Living has so many other health supporting products lines that are your primary interest. IF your interest is in SAFE, CLEAN skin care and makeup, well you are not going to want to miss YL Canada's Beauty school. There are 3 priced right options to get your best "Game Face" on starting at only $15 CAD. This is a virtual event! LEARN MORE
Sometimes life just gets busy and even though you plan to join us in person or online for a chance to learn something new it just doesn't happen ~ WE GET IT. So no worries we are making sure you don't miss our learning opportunities, because we are developing and expanding on OUR COMMUNITY AREA - yours to discover our website.
Keep our website as a place to continue your Oily journey. We also rejoice is seeing and connecting with all of our Oily community, but we find peace in the knowing that you are still getting important information so you the most out of your Young Living Products.
MYTH BUSTER : Your young living products do not work for you or your family if you are not using them on a frequent basis and by frequent we mean daily! Then and only then can you actually reflect back over time and see how effective they have been to keeping you all living above the wellness line.
Health and Wellness
with Julie & Andrea