14- Day Reset

14- Day Reset

14 Day Reset with Ningxia is a program that has been giving stunning results for improving energy as well as many other health benefits. The root cause for so many health challenges is inflammation and this program is all about reducing inflammation.  I have  finished 2 resets and love the results I am seeing .    Need to see some to the testimonials , click  Here
Dealing with low energy or know someone who is?  Dealing with too many pounds  or know someone who is? The list is endless when it comes to the benefits of this reset.

Join the group below for all the information on what you need and how to do the reset. You will not believe some of the results people are seeing. 


  Emotional Freedom Face-Lift and Facial Massage, that will ignite your beauty inside and out!

Emotional Freedom Face-Lift and Facial Massage, that will ignite your beauty inside and out!

We know how the environment, negative thought and toxic emotions impact every cell in our body-mind. We also know that we can literally change our thoughts and have a direct positive impact
on our cells, our skin, our organs. So if we change our thoughts and our mood we can actually change the health and age appearance of our bodies and skin and eventually slow down it’s aging process.

Come and join Isabelle and myself  to learn simple facial routines: Emotional Freedom Face-Lift and Facial Massage, that will ignite your beauty inside and out!

Please join my meeting at February 13, 2025 7:00pm Eastern: https://zoom.us/j/92930397038?pwd=aQW6bbWUNcrgC9MIgqvQC0c1LuG24X.1

Meeting ID: 929 3039 7038
Meeting password: 146037 

Phone Dial-In Numbers (optional)
You may dial into the conference with any of the numbers below and the meeting ID, or join by computer audio.
Singapore: +65 3158 7288
All other countries: See this list
