Easier goals.

Essential oils can make it easier to make your goals a reality.

getoiling.com/BarbDoyle is setting people, families, and communities free!
Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security
in this world. What if the solution to your problems was using our products
and sharing with others? Take back your power and set yourself free!
Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is
expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the
World Leader in Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential
Oil Research and Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A
Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at
checkout for 10% off of your order. The fantastic Transformational Living
course is only available for our team. Great video -
https://youtu.be/zQdy_kWGD8I?si=qi1nyvxN2gAjKaaI  Watch this and
you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the
best and most important things in the world.

Wellness for you.

For those seeking truth - Purified olive oil compounds protect against mitochondrial
dysfunction which can help with alzheimer’s disease and brain aging. Active older
adults who increase their fitness levels decrease the risk of early death by 50%.
L-theanine supports liver health. Schools across the US who use yoga and
mindfulness classes show more success than those who use detention and
punishment. Spirulina can help to turn off inflammation in the body. Your beliefs
are extremely important for wellness. Social isolation could cause physical
inflammation. Emotional well-being is connected to wellness on a physical level.
It has been shown that turmeric, St. John's Wort, and grapeseed can greatly
reduce skin cancer. The right amount of potassium greatly reduces the risk
of osteoporosis. Many cancers can be prevented by eating a plant based diet.
Lycopene supports bone health. Beta carotene can help to improve cognition.
Coconut oil supports brain health. With Young Living we are blessed to have
the essential oil blend of Australian Kuranya. The properties help the body
handle inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, calming,
support the cardiovascular system, inhibit disease, repel insects, support muscle,
bone, and joint health, organ protective, help to reduce discomfort and swelling,
support the respiratory system, and support skin and hair health. The essential
oils in this blend are lemon myrtle, blue cypress, kunzea, sacred sandalwood,
fennel, Australian ericifolia, eucalyptus radiata, and tea tree. Endless possibilities
for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to
use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I am in control of my life and
my decisions." Not living beyond your means and planning ahead for the
unexpected are game changers for wellness. Get started on a better path for
wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger,
younger, wealthier - getoiling.com/BarbDoyle

Get better sleep this year.

If you would like to get better sleep this year we can help.

getoiling.com/BarbDoyle is setting people, families, and communities
free! Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and
security in this world. What if the solution to your problems was using
our products and sharing with others? Take back your power and set
yourself free! Thank you for joining my team! The demand for premium
essential oils is expected to grow by 100% over the next 10 years!
Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We are also the
World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get
started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever
you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order.
The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our
team. Great video - https://youtu.be/zQdy_kWGD8I?si=qi1nyvxN2gAjKaaI
Watch this and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and
one of the best and most important things in the world.

For the love of wellness.

For those seeking truth - Melatonin can help to prevent age-related hearing loss.
Eating fruit during pregnancy helps to boost the babies brain development. Change
is good for the brain. Increased potassium intake is associated with lower risk of
osteoporosis among older women. A low fruit and vegetable consumption is linked
to anxiety disorders. The mother's gut microbiota may shape metabolism of the baby.
The good bacteria in the gut affects heart health. Acupuncture can improve carpal
tunnel syndrome. Decline in NAD is linked to hearing loss. Just 10 minutes a day in
nature can reduce stress and anxiety. A molecule in orange juice, nobiletin, can help
with obesity, diabetes, and heart health. Fiber is important for heart health. Aronia
berries support proper blood pressure and good cholesterol levels. Brown seaweed
helps to manage diabetes. Melatonin supports arterial health and helps to slow down
the aging process. Consuming fiber can help you have a better nights sleep. Excess
fat around the abdomen can negatively affect cognition. With Young Living we are
blessed to have the essential oil blend of Australian Blue. The properties help the
body with inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, calming,
support the cardiovascular system, support the digestive system, can help with
nausea, inhibit disease, repel insects, protect organs, help with discomfort and
in reducing swelling, and support skin and hair health. The essential oils in this
blend are blue cypress, ylang ylang, cedarwood, blue tansy, and white fir. Endless
possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for
the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Prosperity flows
towards me." There aren't many things that are "needed". The "wants" can be
endless and can enslave and cause lots of unhappiness. Not confusing "wants"
with "needs" is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for
wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger,
younger, wealthier - getoiling.com/BarbDoyle

Get organized.

Being organized makes things easier and saves time. If one of your goals is
to be more organized we can help.

getoiling.com/BarbDoyle is setting people, families, and communities free!
Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in
this world. What if the solution to your problems was using our products and
sharing with others? Take back your power and set yourself free! Thank you
for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected to
grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in
Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and
Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order
whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order.
The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for our team.
Great video - https://youtu.be/zQdy_kWGD8I?si=qi1nyvxN2gAjKaaI  Watch this
and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one of the best
and most important things in the world. https://youtu.be/tsC0fhUM3-k?si=x4-frllFjqkm4spx

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