For those seeking truth - NAD can help with repairing DNA damage. Drinking tea
supports brain health. Resveratrol has a positive impact on metabolic syndrome.
Exercise and keeping active supports proper blood pressure. The bacteria in your
gut is affected by what you eat and drink. A high salt diet is bad for the immune
system. Your thoughts have to change for the better because your thoughts
control your DNA. Glutathione can help with alzheimers and in reducing inflammation
in the body. Drinking green tea can help to lower anxiety. Fiber can help to normalize
cholesterol levels. A plant based diet can prevent and manage asthma. Dairy products
and a high bad fat diet increases your risk of asthma. Skin cancer can be helped to
be prevented with St. John's Wort and green tea. Essential fatty acids support heart
health. Quercetin can help the body with cancer. Cruciferous vegetables can help with
prevention of dementia. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil
blend Brain Power. This blend is especially calming to the brain as well as bringing
more awareness to your surroundings. It supports proper brain function. This blend
helps to clean and activate the receptor sites and to increase oxygen in the brain.
The properties also help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system,
are antioxidative, energizing, inhibit disease, organ protective, and support skin and
hair health. The oils in this blend are sacred sandalwood, cedarwood, frankincense,
melissa, blue cypress, lavender, and helichrysum. Endless possibilities for good in
each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come
back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Today I attract miracles into my life." Raising
your frequency naturally with sound, light, color, and premium essential oils is a
game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -
supports brain health. Resveratrol has a positive impact on metabolic syndrome.
Exercise and keeping active supports proper blood pressure. The bacteria in your
gut is affected by what you eat and drink. A high salt diet is bad for the immune
system. Your thoughts have to change for the better because your thoughts
control your DNA. Glutathione can help with alzheimers and in reducing inflammation
in the body. Drinking green tea can help to lower anxiety. Fiber can help to normalize
cholesterol levels. A plant based diet can prevent and manage asthma. Dairy products
and a high bad fat diet increases your risk of asthma. Skin cancer can be helped to
be prevented with St. John's Wort and green tea. Essential fatty acids support heart
health. Quercetin can help the body with cancer. Cruciferous vegetables can help with
prevention of dementia. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil
blend Brain Power. This blend is especially calming to the brain as well as bringing
more awareness to your surroundings. It supports proper brain function. This blend
helps to clean and activate the receptor sites and to increase oxygen in the brain.
The properties also help the body handle inflammation, support the immune system,
are antioxidative, energizing, inhibit disease, organ protective, and support skin and
hair health. The oils in this blend are sacred sandalwood, cedarwood, frankincense,
melissa, blue cypress, lavender, and helichrysum. Endless possibilities for good in
each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come
back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Today I attract miracles into my life." Raising
your frequency naturally with sound, light, color, and premium essential oils is a
game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -
No matter what is going around it is possible to stay well. This is a great diffuser
recipe to enhance wellness with every breath. is setting people, families, and communities free!
Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this
world. What if the solution to your problems was using our products and sharing
with others? Take back your power and set yourself free! Thank you for joining
my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected to grow by 100%
over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We
are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get
started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want,
then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order. The fantastic
Transformational Living course is only available for our team.
Great video -
Watch this and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one
of the best and most important things in the world.
recipe to enhance wellness with every breath. is setting people, families, and communities free!
Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in this
world. What if the solution to your problems was using our products and sharing
with others? Take back your power and set yourself free! Thank you for joining
my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected to grow by 100%
over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. We
are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and Discovery! Many get
started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits, order whatever you want,
then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of your order. The fantastic
Transformational Living course is only available for our team.
Great video -
Watch this and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and one
of the best and most important things in the world.

For those seeking truth - Melatonin supports brain health. Aloe vera helps the body in controlling
inflammation. Studies have shown that type 1 diabetes is a side effect of jabs. Using a cell phone
for 50 days has shown a breakdown of the blood brain barrier. Beets and pomegranates can help
to increase nitric oxide. A plant-based diet supports heart health. Probiotics can destroy cancer
cells and prevent their spread. Carnosine can help prevent dementia. Blueberries can help to
uplift mood. Green barley sprouts support many areas of wellness. Cruciferous vegetables support
liver health. Grapes help the body to lower lipid levels in the blood, support cognitive function, and
help to turn off inflammation in the brain. Gooseberries support heart health, arterial health, and
the immune system. Manganese supports the immune system and bone health. A plant based diet
can help to reduce your risk of stroke. Vitamin B12 and folic acid support nerve health. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend of Believe. Believe helps to release the
unlimited potential everyone possesses. It helps to restore feelings of hope, increase awareness,
overcome self-doubt, and makes it possible to more fully experience health, happiness, and vitality.
The essential oils in this blend are Idaho grand fir, coriander, bergamot, frankincense, Idaho blue
spruce, ylang ylang, and geranium. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential
oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "My
confidence in myself continues to grow every day." A ship is surrounded by water and it is fine as
long as the water stays there. If water gets into the ship it starts to sink. There is much around us
we can't control that is negative. As long as we keep it out of our inner sacred place we are fine and
this is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home.
Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
inflammation. Studies have shown that type 1 diabetes is a side effect of jabs. Using a cell phone
for 50 days has shown a breakdown of the blood brain barrier. Beets and pomegranates can help
to increase nitric oxide. A plant-based diet supports heart health. Probiotics can destroy cancer
cells and prevent their spread. Carnosine can help prevent dementia. Blueberries can help to
uplift mood. Green barley sprouts support many areas of wellness. Cruciferous vegetables support
liver health. Grapes help the body to lower lipid levels in the blood, support cognitive function, and
help to turn off inflammation in the brain. Gooseberries support heart health, arterial health, and
the immune system. Manganese supports the immune system and bone health. A plant based diet
can help to reduce your risk of stroke. Vitamin B12 and folic acid support nerve health. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend of Believe. Believe helps to release the
unlimited potential everyone possesses. It helps to restore feelings of hope, increase awareness,
overcome self-doubt, and makes it possible to more fully experience health, happiness, and vitality.
The essential oils in this blend are Idaho grand fir, coriander, bergamot, frankincense, Idaho blue
spruce, ylang ylang, and geranium. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential
oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "My
confidence in myself continues to grow every day." A ship is surrounded by water and it is fine as
long as the water stays there. If water gets into the ship it starts to sink. There is much around us
we can't control that is negative. As long as we keep it out of our inner sacred place we are fine and
this is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home.
Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -
Get the most out of your day with this great diffuser recipe. is setting people, families, and communities free!
Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in
this world. What if the solution to your problems was using our products and
sharing with others? Take back your power and set yourself free! Thank you
for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected to
grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in
Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and
Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits,
order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of
your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for
our team. Great video -
Watch this and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and
one of the best and most important things in the world. is setting people, families, and communities free!
Young Living is like a lighthouse, oasis, ark - of hope, truth, and security in
this world. What if the solution to your problems was using our products and
sharing with others? Take back your power and set yourself free! Thank you
for joining my team! The demand for premium essential oils is expected to
grow by 100% over the next 10 years! Young Living is the World Leader in
Essential Oils. We are also the World Leader in Essential Oil Research and
Discovery! Many get started with one of our Make A Shift or Starter Kits,
order whatever you want, then enter SHAREYL at checkout for 10% off of
your order. The fantastic Transformational Living course is only available for
our team. Great video -
Watch this and you will know why Young Living is the only place to be and
one of the best and most important things in the world.

For those seeking truth - Essential fatty acid supplementation is associated with
a reduced risk of death. Drinking green tea and endurance training help with
inflammation and metabolism. Silymarin supports liver health and can help with
cancer prevention. Avocado supports proper cognition. Good bacteria in your
gut can help the body with cancer. Intermittent fasting changes liver enzymes
and helps prevent disease. Vitamin B1 supports bone health. Increasing nitric
oxide can improve the cardiovascular system. Ginseng can help to regulate
the immune system. Sesame oil can help in reducing pain. Resveratrol can
help with diabetes. Consuming olive oil can help with aging more healthfully
and helps to reduce inflammation. Mold spores are everywhere and cause
many health problems. Diffusing Thieves and Purification oil blends are
wonderful at helping to overcome mold as well as cleaning with Thieves
Household Cleaner. Most other things used to eliminate mold are toxic
whereas Thieves and Purification are totally safe and very effective. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend of Awaken which
is very powerful because it is a blend of five blends. Gary Young created
Awaken to help people to awaken to their highest potential and move people
into higher levels of learning and development. It is to help awaken inner
desire and passion. The properties are calming, help to balance emotions,
support the immune system, are antioxidative, help the body to handle
allergies, support the cardiovascular system, support digestion, help to
inhibit disease, protect the organs, help to reduce discomfort and swelling,
and support skin and hair health. The blends in Awaken are Joy, Forgiveness,
Present Time, Dream Catcher, and Harmony. Endless possibilities for good
in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use
to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I am becoming mentally
stronger every day." Having a personal relationship with Jesus is a game
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -
a reduced risk of death. Drinking green tea and endurance training help with
inflammation and metabolism. Silymarin supports liver health and can help with
cancer prevention. Avocado supports proper cognition. Good bacteria in your
gut can help the body with cancer. Intermittent fasting changes liver enzymes
and helps prevent disease. Vitamin B1 supports bone health. Increasing nitric
oxide can improve the cardiovascular system. Ginseng can help to regulate
the immune system. Sesame oil can help in reducing pain. Resveratrol can
help with diabetes. Consuming olive oil can help with aging more healthfully
and helps to reduce inflammation. Mold spores are everywhere and cause
many health problems. Diffusing Thieves and Purification oil blends are
wonderful at helping to overcome mold as well as cleaning with Thieves
Household Cleaner. Most other things used to eliminate mold are toxic
whereas Thieves and Purification are totally safe and very effective. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend of Awaken which
is very powerful because it is a blend of five blends. Gary Young created
Awaken to help people to awaken to their highest potential and move people
into higher levels of learning and development. It is to help awaken inner
desire and passion. The properties are calming, help to balance emotions,
support the immune system, are antioxidative, help the body to handle
allergies, support the cardiovascular system, support digestion, help to
inhibit disease, protect the organs, help to reduce discomfort and swelling,
and support skin and hair health. The blends in Awaken are Joy, Forgiveness,
Present Time, Dream Catcher, and Harmony. Endless possibilities for good
in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use
to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I am becoming mentally
stronger every day." Having a personal relationship with Jesus is a game
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -