When Essential Oils DO NOT Work, 5 Reasons, in 5 Days
When Essential Oils DO NOT Work, 5 reasons:

 Day 2:

 On day one we talked about Synthetic VS Natural constituents.  Today we are going to discuss why what is IN your essential oils makes a difference. Essential oils are supposed to be just that essential oils ONLY. However, what I have come to learn is that sometimes essential oils are NOT just that! Young Living steam distills their essential oils or cold presses them to extract essential oils, that is all they use STEAM!

 Other companies use solvents to extract the maximum amount of essential oils. The issue with this is there are then solvents in your final essential oil product. Some solvents may evaporate or get lost in the distillation process, but some remain in the oil itself. However, solvents are only the problem at the end of the process really. Let’s talk about what happens to the plant or plant materials before we even get to distillation. 

 Let’s talk about seeds and different farming practices. There is a difference, no matter what the major corporations say, between GMO (GMO meaning Genetically Modified Organism) and NON-GMO seeds. There are many sources that suggest that when you modify a seed from it’s original form that the way “nature” intended for it to be with it’s natural constituents are then altered. Science raves about GMO’s as taking the best of the best and creating what works best for the world. However, there are many studies that talk about the ramifications of GMO’s and how it not only effects our crops but also our bodies. I would encourage everyone to do their own research as the information is vast and confusing at times. But there is information out there for and against. But for the purposes here on this page and for essential oils we chose, NON-GMO it is the way we go, and the safest!

 Farming practices make a huge difference also. Pesticides, herbicides, harmful chemicals on the plants during growing and harvesting end up in essential oils also.  When harmful chemicals are used they are carried with the plant through the distillation process and then ultimately end up in the oil that is being used on one’s body. If someone is trying to make a less toxic choice for themselves or their family, then why use something that ultimately has toxins in it? 🤔

 Also, for an essential oil to be labeled 100% pure essential oil it only must have 10% essential oil in the bottle. The rest of the bottle can then be filled with a carrier oil and still be labeled 100% pure essential oil.  FYI carrier oils expire and go bad! Some essential oil companies will label the bottle with an expiration date, others will not. Some will list the carrier oil, others will not. Then how do you know really? You don’t unless you know the company. 100% pure essential oil should NEVER go bad if cared for properly and stored properly. 

 So, when considering what essential oils to use and wondering why those products at the grocery store, outlet store, mall, online or other essential oil companies are so much cheaper, smell different, or don’t work the way they should, I would say this…. 👇

 Young Living's standards for farms requires no pesticides or herbicides to be used on land farmed ever or for the last 10 years, as pesticides are harmful to your health. There are only organic farming practices used when farming and harvesting. Plants are hand weeded and plants are harvested at optimal times according the crop and the best harvesting method, even if by hand. Their distillation process only uses steam, no solvents which are hazardous to your health. It is then tested in house in triplicate in each layer in Essential Oil processing looking for any harmful chemicals it might have picked up along the way. If It passes It is sent out for 3rd party testing. If It does not pass ANYWHERE along the line of testing It is THROWN OUT! 😮 Only after numerous process it has to pass does It make It to a bottle and then make It to us the consumer. 

 💫Reason Number 2:💫

 Young Living has made a difference in so many lives and this is why It continues to grow, because THE PRODUCT WORKS due to its UNMATCHED QUALITY!


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