When Essential Oils DO NOT Work, 5 Reasons:
Day 3:
When trying something new it is a challenge to change old habits and move into new things. When moving into a more holistic lifestyle there are many things that can be challenging. When trying something “new” sometimes it is difficult to know how to support your body properly. There are lots of questions like “What do I do with this?”, “Wait, what is that for?” “Where do I put this?” All these questions and more come up all the time. There are many new terms, processes, and at some point, people generally get overwhelmed and just give up. The most common statement I hear is “I tried that, and it didn’t work.”
Whenever something new comes along there is always a “learning curve” that takes place. This is the time where you must learn about your new thing, how it works, what makes it work best, cautions, and loves. When you get a new fancy mixer, how many of you had to get the manual out to read how to use it? I know I do! When you first get your essential oils, you might have to “learn how to use them”. The idea is that once you start using them, you will start to look for them. When you would normally reach for something else, think what oil could replace that? The more you do that, the more you will find your old habits falling away and you will have a NEW habit! A much healthier on at that!
So, on this day, CONSISTENCY is the key! Being consistent in your use of essential oils will help with their effectiveness! I am so glad that I persevered and continued to strive to learn how to keep my family healthy by supporting their systems. There are great rewards in perseverance, you can do this!
Reason Number 3: