Just Start!
Just Start!

I think sometimes people think they need to be aromatherapists before they can start using essential oils.  I hear all the time that they “need to learn more about them before they start using them”.  Or, “there’s just so much to learn!  I don’t think I have enough of a grasp of how they work yet.”  

While I agree that learning about what you are using in your own wellness routine is a good thing, I also think that not starting until you know everything about essential oils and how they work may keep you in limbo for a long time!  And you will have missed out on this great experience!

What’s even sadder, is hearing about people who decided to bring home their first Premium Starter Bundle and two months (or 6 months) later, haven’t even opened the box yet!! Or they have their oils packed away in a cupboard somewhere.  Ugh! This makes me sad!

When I got my first Premium Starter Bundle, I literally had never even heard of essential oils and had no idea what to do with them.  I had purchased the bundle, eager to just start using them!  I figured I would learn as I went along.  

I went to a few essential oils info sessions where we went through the starter kit and learned about each oil and some of the potential uses.  I’m still going to info sessions 10 years later!  And I learn something new every time!  But the best advice I ever got was to not get overwhelmed by trying to learn everything all at once, or needing to know it all before you start.  Basically, the message was, “Just start. Start diffusing, start just putting them on the bottoms of your feet, start breathing them in.  Just start.”   

Don’t worry that you aren’t a reflexologist or an aromatherapist.  Start “low and slow”.  By that, I mean, if you want to put them on topically, start by putting them on the bottoms of your feet.  Just a couple of drops is all you need. (I only use Young Living Essential Oils because I know that the quality and purity is guaranteed.)

Once I started just putting them on the bottoms of my feet every morning, I started to notice a difference in my overall feeling of wellness.  It just became part of my daily routine.  I felt more centred, and ready to start my day.   Oils on my feet and shoulders at the end of the day was also helpful for a good night’s sleep.  

There’s lots of information out there on the benefits of essential oils so you can always learn.  I know this will be a lifelong learning journey for me!  But don’t let your lack of “knowing enough” paralyze you and prevent you from starting.  These essential oils are truly nature’s gift and I am truly grateful that I have them in my life.


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