Time to get moving!
These days I’m more achy than usual.  It’s probably because I’ve been doing more sitting than usual, working at my desk, and missing my walks.

My knees are sore, my neck is sore, my back is tight, and my hip flexors are starting to act up again.  

I really need to get back to my walking routine.  I usually go every day for at least a 45 minute walk.  It helps clear my head, helps me feel more balanced and calm, and it keeps my body moving, which is the physical activity it’s been craving. 

I’ve been making excuses for not going for about a week; it’s too hot, too many blackflies, no time, too busy.  I am really good at justifying why I can’t go walking if I put my mind to it.

But my body actually craves the activity.  It hates not being in motion.  It gets sore.  And my mental health starts suffering as well.  Mind, body, soul - it’s all tied together, right?  And the goal is to keep them all in balance so you can stay healthy and well.

I finally did go for a walk yesterday, and it’s amazing what taking a week off does to your body.  I trudged along, my body complaining along the way, but it did finally start limbering up, happy to be in motion again.  And I could feel myself breathing, enjoying the scenery, the wildflowers along the highway, the calmness of the lake.  It is always so worth it to get your body moving. 

I am so grateful for the natural way I can support my body as well.  I use my essential oils  to help soothe those aches and pains.  Lavender, OrthoEase, Aroma Siez, Panaway, Cool Azul.

There are so many different essential oils, and essential oil blends that help ease your body aches, and my preference is to use these natural ways rather than pain medication.   I also take a supplement called Sulfurzyme to help support my joints.  

I find as I get older (I’m 62 right now), having these natural options is such a blessing!  Having used essential oils from Young Living for over 10 years now, I really appreciate their power to support my body, mind and soul.  I am grateful for their purity and quality and I certainly can’t imagine not having them in my life!

These last 10 years, incorporating essential oils into my wellness routine has been crucial, in helping me work toward my wellness goals.  Working in a sometimes stressful environment for the last 39 years has taught me that you can’t do this work if you’re not healthy, in body, mind and spirit.  And using my oils every day, taking my supplements, and exercising has enabled me to stay healthy, so I could continue to stay engaged in the work and be my best self. 

Do I get lazy sometimes, and fall off my routine?  Of course! I’m human after all.  But I know what I need to do to stay in balance, and thankfully, I have all the natural tools I need to help get me back on track to healthy living.

If you are interested in the products I use to support my body, mind and soul, here’s a couple of links you can check out:

For that Achy Body:

My Favourite Supplements


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