Funny thing about time is.....
Maybe you’re old enough to remember when, at the end of 1999, we all thought we might all be in big trouble!  Maybe the computers that support every part of our daily living, from our heating and electrical systems, to our phones, computers, banking systems might not work once the clock hit midnight on New Year’s Eve!  

We all prepared, and hunkered down for the end of time.  And then the clock hit midnight, and then a minute after midnight, and nothing happened.  Computers’ clocks casually clicked over to 2000 and all was well. Hahaha!  Whew! That was a close one! 

I had been writing 19 something on my cheques all my life! (Yes, we had cheques back then lol) And now we were going to have to get used to writing 2000!  It seemed like science fiction at the time.  But now we’re in 2023 already!  

In 2000, I had a 13 year old, and 11 year old and a 3 year old.  I was working full time at the women’s shelter, and doing all the things you do as a busy Mom.  Now my kids are 36, 33 (almost 34) and 26!  And I have a 2 1/2 year old Granddaughter and a wonderful Son-in-law!

I mean, where the heck did the time go? 

I remember hearing a story about a woman who got her College Diploma in her 80’s.  People thought she was crazy when she started back to school at her age, but celebrated her when she finished.  

Her attitude was; time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well do something productive with it, and work towards your goals. If she didn’t go back to school, she would still be a woman in her 80’s, but now she’s a woman in her 80’s with a College Diploma!

That’s how time just keeps on ticking away.  If you sit still and do nothing, in 5 years, you’ll be 5 years older.  But if you decide today that in 5 years, you really want to be doing (fill in the blank), and you make a plan, and start taking steps to get there, and don’t give up, then 5 years from now, you’ll either have achieved that goal, or you will have made progress towards it.  You will have learned valuable lessons that help you in your life.  And maybe you will come to the decision that you don’t want that goal anymore, but something else.  And that’s okay.

But time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well be moving yourself closer to what you want in life.  You might as well be dreaming, and taking steps towards achieving that dream. 

Don’t let fear of failure keep you immobilized!  Failure is inevitable, but you learn from those failures.  They are valuable lessons.  If you never fail, then you never learn and progress. 

At this point you’re probably wondering why I’m going on about time, and working towards your goals and how essential oils are connected to all of this.  Well, I’m getting to that, in a round about way.  I know, I know, tick tock! Hahaha!

But seriously, there are so many essential oils and essential oils blends that can support you as you work towards your goals.  I’ll mention just a few of them.  

First, Valor.  The first essential oil blend I fell in love with, and my “go-to” whenever I have to do something hard or scary.  It’s a blend of Black Spruce, Camphor, Blue Tansy, Frankincense and Geranium.  I put a couple of drops onto the palm of my hand, rub my hands together and breathe!  Sometimes I rub it into the bottoms of my feet and onto my shoulders. 

Abundance - Do your dreams include bringing more abundance into your life?  Then this beautiful blend is perfect for you!  It’s a blend of Orange, Patchouli, Clove, Ginger, Myrrh, Cinnamon and Spruce.  

Here’s what it says on the Young Living website:  “Abundance was created to enhance the frequency of harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us.  This manifesting and powerful blend creates what is called the “law of attraction”, which refers to the positive (or negative) energy we attract to ourselves when we focus on it.  Abundance therefore opens us to a wealth of possibilities.” Doesn’t that sound amazing?

I use this one the same way I use Valor, except when breathing it in, I focus on my goals and dreams and imagine myself as having already achieved them! 

Believe - This is a great essential oil blend, especially whenever you are doubting yourself and your abilities to achieve your goals.  This blend is formulated with grounding essential oils like Frankincense and Idaho Black Spruce.  

From the website: “This invigorating combination has an uplifting scent and encourages feelings of strength, faith and hope when used aromatically.  Move past emotional barriers with its motivating aroma and experience spiritual grounding, a sense of peace and awareness, relaxation and renewed confidence.”

Sounds great, right?  And it really is!  I love this blend and use it whenever I need to refocus and get back on track to work towards my goals. 

Those are just a few of the many, many amazing essential oils Young Living has to support your  goal crushing journey!  You really have to try them and experience them yourself to see what I’m talking about. I can only tell you that they have been supporting me for years!  

I started using Young Living essential oils in 2012, knowing virtually nothing about essential oils.  Eleven years later, I am still using them every day.  I can’t even tell you all of the ways they have supported my health & wellness!  And I’m so happy that I made a choice to start taking my health seriously all those years ago. 

So what do you think?  Will you make a conscious choice to make a positive change in your life today?  After all, time is going to pass anyway, whether you do or not. 


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