The Big Transition
I put one of those countdown apps on my phone a while back.  I’ll be retiring from the organization that I’ve led for 39 years this summer, and I thought it would be funny to be able to check the app and countdown the months until retirement. 

I now have 0 years, 6 months, 21 days, 53 minutes and 43 seconds until I retire!

It’s getting real, folks!  And I have to admit, it’s starting to feel a bit daunting. Time moves so fast these days, and I still have a lot to do before the end of July.  Not to mention, there is still so much work to be done to end violence against women and girls, which is the mission of our organization. 

I don’t know if the work will ever be done, and I’ve given almost 39 years of my life to it.  So I guess I will just have to be okay with leaving things undone.  Hard to do, especially for me.  I like to have things organized and running perfectly, all the goals met.  But that’s just not the nature of the work we do, and I’m going to have to be okay with that. 

The organization is healthy, and we have an incredible group of women working there, some who have been doing the work for over 20 years.  So I know I’m leaving it in good hands.

But it will still be hard to leave.  I mean this has been part of who I am and of how I identify as a person for more than half of my life!

Still, it’s time.  I am ready to move on and do other things. 

I’m going to really dive into doing more sharing of Young Living and help people get started with these beautiful, healthy products.  I’m going to do more singing and performing.  A friend of mine wants to start a little band and do some gigs locally, so that will be fun.  

I’ll spend time with my Granddaughter and my kids, go camping, do more walking, and hiking, and hopefully do some travelling.  We really want to visit Ireland and Scotland, and maybe Italy.

Being able to lean into other parts of myself, and discover things I didn’t know I was interested in is compelling.  I’m going to stay open and curious about life and its possibilities.  

Here’s to the next chapter! 

** Some oils for the transition:






Highest Potential

Peace & Calming

Ignite Your Journey


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