Fall leaves, Cooler Temperatures, and ......Colds....
Aaaa...Choo!!  Ah, the sounds of Autumn!  

Now that the kids are back in school, and people are back to work after summer vacation, we inevitably see  more people getting sick with colds and flu.  It happens every year, and once one child comes home with a bug, it tends to run rampant through the household, unfortunately.   

I’m sitting here this morning with Thieves going in my diffuser.   I’ve been diffusing Thieves for a few days in a row now, almost subconsciously.  I usually pick different oils to put in my diffuser every day, but it’s been Thieves all day, everyday for the last little while.  

I guess I associate the aroma with fall.  It’s a beautiful blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon,  Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary. 

Let’s break it down.


  • Young Living’s Clove essential oil is steam distilled from dried clove buds in Madagascar and has a sweet, spicy fragrance that is stimulating and revitalizing.  
  • It is approved in Canada as a Natural Health Product that can be used topically to help relieve joint or muscle pain associated with sprains, strains & rheumatoid arthritis.  
  • It can also be inhaled to reduce the symptoms of cough & cold. 

  • Young Living’s Lemon essential oil is cold pressed from the fresh fruit peel of lemons grown in Argentina and the United States. 
  • Lemon oil has refreshing and cooling properties. It’s fresh, citrus scent is an instant pick-me-up!
  • In Aromatherapy it can be used topically 
  • It is approved in Canada as a Natural Health Product and can be inhaled to reduce the symptoms of cough & cold.

  • Young Living’s Cinnamon Bark essential oil is warm and comforting and combined with Cloves, it gives Thieves itssignature, spicy aroma
  • It’s considered a “hot” oil, so always dilute it if using topically
Eucalyptus Radiata

  • Young Living’s Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil comes from an evergreen tree native to Australia that is part of the Myrtaceae plant family. 
  • Steam distilled from the leaves, Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil is loved for its fresh, sharply clean aroma. 
  • Use it topically for an invigorating massage after physical activity or to relieve joint or muscle pain associated with strains, sprains, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • It’s also found in OrthoEase, which is one of my personal favourites
  • It’s a Natural Health Product, approved by Health Canada, and can be inhaled to help relieve headaches
  • Or inhaled to help relieve colds & colds

  • Young Living’s Rosemary has a fresh, herbaceous, sweet, slightly medicinal aroma. 
  • It’s an energizing essential oil
  • In Aromatherapy it can be used topically or inhaled
  • It’s a Natural Health Product approved by Health Canada
  • To relieve minor skin irritation, cuts, bruises & burns
  • To help relieve joint or muscle pain associated with sprains, strains & rheumatoid arthritis
  • When experiencing digestive discomfort can act as a carminative and antispasmodic
  • To reduce the symptoms of cold & cough
Thieves is a Natural Health Product approved by Health Canada to help relieve cough & cold.  Young Living’s line of Thieves products includes a whole range of household and personal care products from household cleaner to toothpaste and mouthwash!  And the Thieves Cough & Cold Relief Chest Rub is a great to have on hand if you do end up with a cold bug.

This essential oil blend is definitely a “Must Have” for every household!  


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