My Natural First Aid Kit
Growing up I remember my Mom crushing up an aspirin and putting the crushed up pieces into a spoon with sugar and giving it to us when we were sick. She also rubbed iodine on our chests when we had a fever.  

Got a cold, “Here’s the cold medicine.  Doctor yourself up.”  Got a headache, “Here’s a tablet”.  (We went through several favourites over the years).

Nobody ever said, “Here’s some essential oil.  This might help.”  Nobody.

It just wasn't a thing where I grew up.  Everybody I knew did the same thing.  Essential oils weren’t even on my radar, or in my vocabulary.  They just weren’t part of my life.  I actually hadn’t even heard of them.

Fast forward to 2012.  A hockey trip with my son to Haileybury.  A visit with a friend.  A beautiful aroma greeting us as we walked in the door.  My first introduction to Thieves essential oil blend. (Cinnamon, Cloves, Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus)

After a couple of conversations explaining what these little bottles were, and how they have been used by people for thousands of years, I was intrigued.  Not completely convinced, but intrigued and willing to give them a try. 

After getting my first Starter Bundle, I really didn’t know how to use the oils, or what they were all for, but I did love diffusing them.  But after a conversation with my friend, where I was talking about this neck ache that I was dealing with, I decided to try a few of my oils on my neck and shoulder muscles.  

I put on Frankincense, Copaiba, Lavender, Panaway and then Peppermint.  I kept doing this every few hours and it actually helped calm the ache down.  

Another time, when I was trying to sleep, my calves were achy, making it impossible for me to fall asleep.  Now, I had been in the habit of taking an over the counter pain killer every night before I went to bed because I knew this was going to be an issue, and I needed to get to sleep.   But this night, I hadn’t taken one, and my calves were driving me crazy.  

So I decided to try putting on some of the Peace & Calming essential oil blend that I had.  What’s the worst that could happen, right?  Well, almost immediately, the aching subsided and I was able to go to sleep. 

Wow!! That was a game changer for me!  I haven’t taken a pain killer before bed, as a way to help me sleep, since then!  

Now whenever I have a minor issue, like an achy body, or a headache, or a tummy ache, I reach for my essential oils instead of reaching for that bottle of pills.  

Many of Young Living’s essential’s essential oils are also approved as “Natural Health Products” by Health Canada, so you can find lots of different essential oils to support you when dealing with different minor health issues. 

Here’s a link to Young Living’s Natural Remedies Guide

What’s in my Natural First Aid Kit?  Here are a few of my favourites:

OrthoEase Massage Oil
Cool Azul Pain Cream


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