Out of Darkness
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and couldn’t see a thing.  I mean it was pitch black.  Usually there is some ambient light in the room, from the clock, or even a bit of light coming through the window that will guide me to the door.  

But last night, nothing.  Just total darkness.  I thought, maybe my eyes are fused shut, you know, with eye gunk or something, so I tried using my fingers to pry my eyes open, but my eyes were open already.  I just couldn’t see anything.  

I had no sight.  I was blind! I was the most terrifying thing I had ever experienced.  So many thoughts ran through my head.  My head had been aching yesterday, and my eyes were strained.  Maybe it was just too much for and my eyes just suddenly stopped working.  What am I going to do about work?  How is my husband going to cope with this?  How am I going to cope with this?  

I fumbled my way out of the door, somehow finding the door and feeling my way into the kitchen where I had my phone plugged in.  I thought I caught a bit of a light flashing once I got to the living room, and realized, the power was probably out again.

The power had gone off on Saturday for about 6 hours, and it had been really windy last night, so maybe that was it.  I located my phone, turned it on, and was relieved to be able to see the screen!  Thank God!!  I wasn’t blind after all!  It was just so dark out, that no light at all had penetrated our bedroom, and left us in total blackness. 

We take so many things for granted in life, don’t we?  Things that have always been there, like our health, our eyesight, we think will always be there.  We don’t give them much thought, do we?  We just talk for granted that they will always be there for us.  

Well, this strange experience has really made me think about things that I take for granted.  It has made me more grateful for my health, my mobility, my eyesight, my mind.  So many gifts that I take for granted everyday, that I will now remember to be grateful for.  

So many things that I put off doing, or pass on, because I think I’ll have another chance some other time.  But maybe I’m squandering my chances.  Maybe, just maybe, another time won’t come, or my ability to participate fully won’t always be there. 

Life is so precarious, isn’t it?  Maybe this little incident was the reminder I needed to remember to embrace chances to experience life, to have fun, to do the things I like to do, and go to the places I’ve always wanted to go to.  

Maybe it was a reminder to actually “be present” in my life, savouring every moment, giving thanks for those around me, and for the memories I’m making with family and friends.   How often have I squandered those moments, wishing time away when my kids were little and life was hectic and hard?  Those are the times I wish I could have back. 

Maybe I’m reading too much into this..... but in the light of day, it’s easy to forget the lessons that being in total darkness teaches you.  I want to remember this lesson, so that’s why I’m writing this down.  Maybe when I read it at a later date, I’ll be reminded to be grateful, to take care of myself, and not take anything for granted.  

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