DIY Gifts for the Holidays
I often find myself making some little gifts for people in December.  I love giving away little body butters, or bath salts.  I think I get more joy out of it than the person receiving it!  
There’s nothing like putting some love and good energy into making something that comes from your heart, and giving it to someone you care about. 

We just had our Staff luncheon this week, and made some Lavender Body Butter for each of my colleagues.  I decorated them up with little snowflake stickers, and placed them into a pretty purple mesh bag.  They loved them!  

I always try to remind our staff to take care of themselves as they do this difficult work - we work at an emergency shelter for women and children who have experienced violence and abuse - so my giving them a body butter is my way of saying, “You are also important, and worthy of self-care”. 

Hopefully, when they put it on, and breathe in the beautiful, calming aroma of the Lavender essential oil, it will help them to take a moment, to pause, rest and remember to love on themselves. 

These women are amazing, caring, and passionate advocates, but so often they get so focused on helping others, they forget to take care of themselves as well.  And we need them to stay healthy and well, for their own sakes, as well as for the sake of the ongoing work that unfortunately still needs to be done! 

I haven’t always been the best role model in this regard.  A few years back, my idea of relaxation was to have a few glasses of wine and devour a big bag of potato chips.  Okay, I’m still eating the potato chips, but now I reach for my bottle of Stress Away, or Peace & Calming, or Valor and Joy, or Northern Lights White Spruce.  And, of course, Lavender. 

Anyway, back to the DIY gifts!  It’s super easy to make your own body butter, and your friends and family will be so grateful to receive this special gift.

Here’s what you need:

2 ounce glass jars (I just pick them up at the Dollar Store)
1/2 cup of Organic Shea Butter 
1/2 cup of Organic Coconut oil 
1/2 cup of Organic Grape Seed oil
15 drops of Young Living Lavender essential oil
One big glass mixing bowl

Here’s what you do:

  1. On low heat, melt down the Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Grapeseed Oil.
  2. Once it’s melted, pour it all into the big glass mixing bowl and put it into the fridge
  3. Once the mixture is set and a bit hardened, take it out and use your hand mixer to whip it up
  4. Once it is a whipped up and peaks are forming, add 15 drops of Lavender essential oil (or whichever essential oils you like - Peppermint is also great for this)
  5. Whip that up really good, and then scoop it into the glass jars and Voila! 😊
  6. You can decorate up the jars if you want with stickers or little rhinestones to make them look festive and pretty. 
It’s just a really nice little gift to give and a great way to introduce people to Young Living essential oils as well!   

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season, and you are able to take some time to reflect on all of your blessings.  Be well, my friends, and Happy Holidays to you all! 


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