My Unlikely Love Affair with Essential Oils
Up until 10 years ago, I had never heard of essential oils.  I had no clue what they were!  
And honestly, when my friend, Robyn tried to explain it to me, I thought it was some kind of new age, voodoo mumbo jumbo!  Boy, was I about to get schooled! 

It all started with a hockey trip with my son, Jacob, who was 15 at the time.  We live in a really small town in Northern Ontario, and there was barely enough players to ice a Bantam age team, so getting any game experience meant travelling all over God’s creation to other little towns who were in the same boat as us. 

It was on one of these trips that brought us 7 hours away to the little town my friend Robyn and her family had moved to, that I had my first essential oils experience.  She graciously insisted that Jacob and I stay with her and her family, which was amazing, since all this traveling is expensive, so not having to pay for a hotel room was pretty great!  Plus, I got to have a visit with my buddy, who is, without a doubt, the best hostess in the world!  She made us feel so welcomed and special!  She makes everything beautiful, which is a real gift, and her home is cozy and warm, with all this great character.

Anyway, the first thing I notice when we arrive is this amazing aroma in the entranceway.  There’s this mist coming from a cool contraption on the table.  I later found out it’s called a diffuser, and the aroma I was smelling was a beautiful essential oil blend called Thieves.  It is still one of my favourite blends. 

Over the weekend, Robyn told me about these wonderful essential oils she had discovered, and this great company called Young Living, and how essential oils had been used for thousands of years.  I was really happy she had found something she was passionate about, but honestly, I wasn’t convinced that these little bottles of oils were really all that wonderful.  It really seemed too good to be true!

Saturday night, Jacob had a big game to try to get his team into the finals.  He was really nervous about it.  He was a first year player and really wanted to do well.  So Robyn brings out this little bottle of essential oil, and told him to take a couple of drops, and rub it onto the bottoms of his feet.  Then breathe it in!  He was hesitant, but he did it.  The essential oil blend she gave him was called Valor.  

Jacob had a great game that night!  He played with confidence and helped his team get the win!  Afterwards he said, “I really think it helped me, Mom”.  So the next day, when they played in the finals, he put on more Valor, and again, he had a good game and his team won their game!  
Well, I was like, “What is this magic?”  

I later found out that the founder of Young Living, Gary Young, created the blend Valor to help support people who need a bit of courage. I’ve been using it ever since, and it is another one of my “Must Have” essential oil blends.  

I signed up for a membership that weekend, and ordered a Premium Starter Kit.  I have been learning as I go, and continue to learn every day about these beautiful essential oils; nature’s living energy.  

I went from sceptical and hesitant to true believer over the course of about 6 months of using the oils.  My life has changed so much in 10 years.  I am so much healthier and happier!  And these beautiful essential oils are a huge part of that transformation!


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