Baby it’s Cold Outside!
I haven’t been out for my daily walk in over a week!  I live in Northern Ontario and it’s been super cold, like -25 to -35 degrees!  I’ve also been working on a proposal at work which had me pretty busy and stuck to the computer for hours.  I guess I could have gone to the gym and walked on the treadmill, but that didn’t happen either. 

I could keep going on and on about all the reasons why I couldn’t go for my walk; it’s too cold, I’m too busy, it’s dark out now.  I’m hungry so I’ll eat and go later, but oh no, now it’s too cold out!  

The thing is, I chose not to go.  I decided that I needed to do other things that took priority over going for a walk for the last week or so. 

As an adult, I can do that.  If I don’t go for my walk, is anyone going to hold me accountable? No, they are not.  No one is going to say, Paula, you didn’t go for your walk today.  We demand an explanation! 

Just like no one is going to make me go for a walk today, or tomorrow, or the day after that!  I’m the only one that has the power to do that.

And am I going to give myself a hard time for missing a week of walking?  Am I going to shrivel up in shame and self derision?  

No, I am not.  And do you know why?  Because, shame isn’t motivating.  Because giving myself some grace and being gentle with myself is better than beating myself up for not getting my exercise in. 

But, you know, walking is really important to both my physical and my mental health.  So I know I need to get back at it.  And I know I will.  I have no doubt that I will.  And do you know why I’m so confident?

Because I have built other rituals into my day that help keep me on an even keel. My morning routine is something that I have created for myself, and it has really helped me start off my day in a good way.  

I get up and the first thing I do is have a drink of water.  Then I start my diffuser.  I usually choose a couple of essential oils to put in it.  Lately Rosemary and Tangerine is my favourite diffuser blend.  

I start the coffee maker, and while that’s brewing, I do my stretches.  A routine that I’ve learned over years of going to exercise classes and I find it really helps to keep my body more flexible.  And best of all, it gets my body moving in a gentle way, right off the bat in the morning. 

Once the coffee is ready, I grab a cup, open my IPad and do some writing.  I have a journal that I’ve been writing in since my Dad passed away.  And I also have an ongoing Gratitude list that I add to each day.

This is all before I open up any social media or doing any posting for my Young Living business.  Giving myself this time in the morning is one of the best things I have ever done for myself.  

These rituals, which include putting essential oils on the bottoms of my feet, on the back of my neck and breathing them in deeply, help keep me centred, and in balance.  

So even if I miss a week of walking, I know it’s not the end of the world and I know I’ll be back out there soon. 

What rituals have you built into your daily self-care routine? Let me know if the comments. 


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