You’re Never Too Old to Learn Something New
Learning new things is always a thrill for me.  I recently figured out how to create a bio-site on my Instagram account and I was so excited!  What can I say, these are the things that make me happy.  I am so Not Cool!  Hahaha! 

Young Living recently updated their MyYL websites so now anyone who wants to build a business through Young Living has a really great tool to use when sharing the oils with friends and family.  You can actually create bundles on your website and create a link which you can then share with people who might be interested.  It’s so cool! 

And the best part is, they offered this to us for FREE for the first 3 months, from February to April!  Pretty great, right?  And it is super easy to use!  So I just had to click subscribe, put in a payment method and my contact info, choose a theme, and Voila!!  A pre-made professional looking website all ready to go! 

I’m keeping my GetOiling website and I’m going to figure out how to incorporate both.  I’m not a techy by any stretch of the imagination, so I’ll probably have to spend some time working on it, but I’ll figure it out. 

I find that diffusing my blend of Rosemary, Tangerine and Eucalyptus Radiata helps me focus when I’m working at my computer and trying to figure something out.  People also find Peppermint good for that.  Apparently, it can help students retain what they’ve learned when they are studying for a test.  I can see that.  It’s such a bright, invigorating aroma!  

I find it fascinating, learning about all the ways that different essential oils can support our bodies.  I have a Essential Oils Reference book that I bought from Life Science Publishing years ago, and it is nice to be able to read through it to learn about the origins of the plants that we distill into essential oils, as well as their various components. 

I was never a good science student, as my various high school teachers can attest to, but I’m finding learning about the different essential oils and the ways we can use them to support our bodies quite interesting.  And it’s so hard to remember all of the information on each essential oil, so having the reference guide is really helpful. 

Years ago, my Dad and I were at a Youth and Elders Gathering at Michipicoten First Nation, and we went on a medicine walk.  The Elder showed us different plants and how Indigenous people have used them for various ailments over thousands of years.  She said we have everything we need to keep us healthy on Mother Earth.  

I think the connection to this teaching is what made me explore essential oils even more.  They are nature’s living energy after all, and are derived from plants, scrubs, roots, all of Mother Nature’s gifts.  

Even though people today are re-discovering essential oils, this is ancient knowledge.  People have been using essential oils for thousands of years.  Young Living just refined the distillation process and have found a way to bring the most authentic essential oils to people all over the world. It’s pretty amazing, really. 

And now, I’m going to put some oils in my diffuser, and try to figure out how how to build some more pages on my website.  I think I’ll put some Believe or Envision on the bottoms of my feet too, just to give me that extra support as I try to navigate this IT world!  

Wish me luck my friends!  Don’t forget to put on your essential oils, and never stop learning!   


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